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Everything posted by miraro3

  1. lol x)
  2. look puppet DIDNT cheat or hack or whatever.. he just used that give health command thingy.. ..puppet is history now, why can't u guys just stop talking abaut him? u even made a topic 'where is puppet' r somthin.. ur like addicted to him... :| i know he did some bad things, and i know u can prove them all.. but puppet stays a friend of me, who helped me alot. he stayed friendly even if i stabbed him in his back..
  3. the second one on base race.. looks wierd.. was there also when it happend what wuz wrong whit it :S
  4. ??
  5. i added em all to my favorites in xfire.. but hes only showing the match and the jaymod server.. is the rest down?
  6. ok i'll tell him, ty muppet
  7. ok i'll tell him, ty muppet
  8. a friend of my who quited wolfenstein bcaus he had connecting problem wants help whit it now he played under the name of 'raymann23' dunno if anyone knows him? evrytime he tries to connect he gets this error: 'failed pure server chek' he has Vista... maybe its the same prob rob had? can't remember it... any help? muppet?
  9. a friend of my who quited wolfenstein bcaus he had connecting problem wants help whit it now he played under the name of 'raymann23' dunno if anyone knows him? evrytime he tries to connect he gets this error: 'failed pure server chek' he has Vista... maybe its the same prob rob had? can't remember it... any help? muppet?
  10. not funny.. he used only mega health thingy.. but w/e
  11. u use just a dot to aim whit?
  12. i play if ma prob is solved
  13. why co-ant u play on BH server? wherre did they warned u for?
  14. looks good to me
  15. ye there a a few ways to changed it.. and a way to change ur guid is whit teh ETkey...
  16. looks kinda spooky in black/white
  17. cyan aiming thingy..?
  18. [quote name=Donald] And 5. no girls 6. no life 7. only coca cola no life
  19. i dont use fireteam voice chat thingies so.. maybe puppet explained it in his post whit al the binds :?:
  20. did u get a 'no' or a 'lets see next month'? (i dunno, to lazy to chek results ) no means u never get in :?: (dunno that for sure) heres somthin u need to remember if u want to join TM: always be friendly to ppl.. even if u have a bad day.. and don't force people to do thing that u want if they don't want it (like setting collors in a name... w.w)
  21. welli use fireteam only to see where my teammates are and how much hp they got when im medic.. think the thing for binding is:" vsay_fireteam" i can be wrong
  22. no it would be handy to see what we did wrong, what we can do better next match (on our server then, eh skepta? )
  23. no one sayd anythin baut inviting, was just asking how u mean? "The problem with the GUID and Hard drive, can I overcome, but not the IP"?
  24. if i would know the bug i would simpley delete it ^^
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