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Posts posted by Macka

  1. Funny how one question lead to an other debate :D

    Politics in UK is amazing though. You have history, 'transparency' (prime minister question time, the fourth estate), clear rules (Mr Speaker, may I...)

    This is amazing. We don't have those kind of things here in Belgium and it sucks ass.

    Just type Black Rod in YouTube for those who are not aware of what it is and you'll see by yourself!

    Much of it is merely symbolic though, having survived constitutional change throughout the centuries and means little these days. What was once a practice became a custom and is now a tradition only. Really happy that you like the system though. I personally think it is really unique and the Westminster system was once a model to the world. Today it has its drawbacks but is still a relatively sound system of government. I wish we had more of a primary system though, like in the US. They spend like a year working up to the election :D

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