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About Patriot

  • Birthday 02/06/1963

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  1. Thanks for the greetings people Yes i can connect to chat now, will do soon. A little more info about me. Im from Denmark and I am 49 year old family father with 3 boys I have been a member of Qubenet since 2003 and leader of it since 2005, we started out as a scrimming clan back then and did very well on CB and different Cups, but as time goes by we have stopped and are now only playing for fun. Most of us are in the 40+ agegroup so we dosent have the time to play 24/7 we usually meet on our server at Sundays and fool around. but every now and again we visit a server from other clans, and il try drag our asses on to your silent server soon, could be fun having a few maps with you guys atm we are around 15 active ppl so we aint that big a clan but we are very persistent and are not going to leave the et scene anytime soon. cya Greetings Carsten
  2. Thx for the welcome I tried Mate dosent have permission, and we have 1 also we just call him robot on our chat
  3. Hello people Name is Patriot and Im a small part of the Clan Qubenet nice home you have built here Il make sure to look in from time to time. Well basically just wanted to say hello, which is done now, might check on ur servers soon un til then hf all
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