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Everything posted by T-Mouse

  1. Hello! ET crossed my mind recently, so I decided to come and see what's going on. I'm happy to see TM thriving after all this time! I'll probably jump on for a few games soon. =) I go by MauZZR now, so I'll change my display name here shortly, but I figured I'd keep it at first. For old times' sake. Looking forward to playing with you all again.
  2. Same.. lol
  3. ... Yay for spamming?
  4. Here's my beast... just found itself a new home in my bedroom (used to be in the room connected to mine). And here's the poster I keep above my monitor for inspiration
  5. I could do that if I had a seizure at the correct time
  6. LOL... I've seen all of those except for the XBOX PlzFixMe (<--- STOLEN) commercial.. that was great
  7. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]or Puppet at disguise Yeah... he kidnapped Ibex
  8. ... That SS does show a wall hack... those blue guys are behind walls... Edit: And there isn't really any way to tell about aimbots other than looking at stats and speccing the person. Edit2: Sorry.. I understand now, you're talking about the PBSS of Dave, acuna etc.
  9. Yep... I swear, those damn things come with aimbots nowadays... Besides, everyone knows you're supposed to draw straws before making the attempt to see who goes first..
  10. What's the IP for the etpub server again? I lost it..
  11. XDD hahaha..
  12. T-Mouse


    Yeah, and they don't pay well either. -.-
  13. I'd post some, but my camera exploded last time I tried to take one
  14. Skepta looks sooo happy...
  15. ... I thought he was pretty easy in a close firefight, one on one... maybe i got lucky that time :roll: OR.. maybe his monitor messed up, and that's why I could kill him
  16. T-Mouse


    ... I don't even know who took that picture STALKERS!!
  17. T-Mouse


    It is quite annoying... there's an extensive number of measures you can take to see people coming without them catching on to your presence.. leaning being the most obvious, but I do a lot of hunting by ear in CoD 4, and i know Maddy has ears like a dog from Finland .. eheheheeeh.. anyway, I haven't played against them, but they sound really, really good...
  18. Password updated.
  19. A spy? o_O
  20. I usually leave when Maddy does.. since we get bored at pretty much the same time
  21. I know Maddy already pointed this out, and this is an old post, but LOL... hahahahaha
  22. Lol.. and Maddeh... no wonder you spend so much time at the saunas, you want to be with your family! (teh flames)
  23. ... O_O Why do they need to announce these things so early... it's so painful to wait for them >_<
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