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Everything posted by T-Mouse

  1. Link is broken... leads to an empty page lol
  2. T-Mouse


    It's a forum... that's supposed to happen.
  3. You won't appreciate it so much when you're old lol
  4. Hey guys... every time i try to download the omnibot file for the server it sends me to a directory where the file doesn't exist... it started to download the file once, but i got kicked for missing the omnibot file, and now i can't try again for a couple minutes... another odd thing is that when i follow someone into the server through Xfire it doesn't require me to download the file... :? :roll:
  5. ... Finny flavored cake? lol, enjoy the day... even though it's 01.30 there now
  6. O_O... okay well there's no way i can make a giant HAPPY B-DAY insane banner thingy like Maddy and Kanny did, so this will have to do...
  7. i have loads more than i'll post, but these are the ones i play most often -Call of Duty 4 -Crysis -Call of Duty 2 -Enemy Territory (not as much anymore) -Unreal Tournament 2004
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Okay I know this thread has long been dead (LOL i made a rhyme!! ) but Muppet, that PC is BEAST!!!
  10. i use putfile AND photobucket... when one site doesn't host a photo correctly the other usually does
  11. Yeah... the few times i hit up our CoD 4 server no one was there
  12. Cool we should try it
  13. This clan is growing without me lol Come around the servers and forums often so we can get to know ya... see you around...
  14. T-Mouse


    I just got it.. the sig I use here is the first thing i made with a little help from Maddy.. here are a couple sigs i made for some friends This one's a banner i made for the Xtreme Idiots clan And here's the signature I use at their forums
  15. I might stop by sometime
  16. Should I translate it... into English?
  17. Never heard of it o_O
  18. I'll definitely join when you get it back up i left regular WoW and the other private servers that i used to play on, but i'll stop by sometime
  19. Great
  20. Good idea muppet but does this mean that levels who previously didn't have the freeze command will have it now?
  21. Swearing doesn't bother me at all, so my opinion is fairly useless in this thread ... Anyway the only time i get annoyed is when little kids with southern accents are screaming insults at random people in voice chat.. Maddy will know what I'm talking about
  22. woot a useful thread
  23. T-Mouse


    Love that game it's the reason i'm so terrible at ET now ... anyway it's great
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