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About Wardaddy

  • Birthday 07/11/1991

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Hiya and welcome:D
  2. Yeah i know:) sounds a little bit dramatic.
  3. I will try to make it, have to visit some family on the other side of the country(well, i live in Holland so thats like 2 hours of driving:))
  4. Hello and Welcome!!! Little late.....
  5. Hiya, and welcome to the forum!
  6. Weellcoommmee!!!
  7. Dont know who you are, but welcome back:D
  8. Welcome to the forum:D
  9. Got my computer back:D

  10. Finally, tests are done. Lets enjoy my vacation:D

  11. Thank you all:)
  12. Hi guys, I just wanted to say hi because i started playing again after some years. Iam Sleepy from the Netherlands and i hope to play with ya'll sometimes. Although i wont be able to play coming week. I thought it might be fun to give you guys some information about me. Well i started playing a long long long time ago. I played it way to much for a couple of years. Stopped playing, started playing, stopped playing and now i started to play again. I was searching for a nice server when i found TeamMuppet nodownload xps, i had to join the server because of the name. And now it seems like a very fun server, so you'll see me around! Btw feel free to add me on xfire if you feel the need. Happy new year to all of you!!
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