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Posts posted by SnowBlind*

  1. I've told some of you on the server and I'm sure word has gotten around. It's been really hard for me this past month losing my mom, I was very close with her all of my life and she passed unexpectedly at the age of only 59. Thank you to everybody who has talked with me and checked me and made sure I'm ok. I will get through this some day because I know my mom is looking down and getting impatient with me making such a fuss. I loved her so much and always will.


    R.I.P. Mom I Love You - August, 25, 1953 - May, 2, 2013



    here is a beautiful song that the guitarist Mark Tremonti wrote for his mother when she passed, it chokes me up every single time, enjoy.







    My Mom and I at Christmas 2 years ago and you can see my Dad lean in haha we never took organized photos, just surprise ones mostly :)





  2. Holy shit, didnt even know he was sick, thats sad as hell man. I hate to see people die so young, I am guessing his age around late 40's what a bummer. I'll attach my personal favorite song of Slayer's and inspiration for my original name in ET DeadSkinMask :)


  3. Ahhh yes, Hard to see.... I play that on guitar hero muahaha on expert of course ;)


    @Absolutezero I agree they have a lot of good stuff from the past, I just chose these particular ones cuz Im a little more familiar with this album and there are some clever lyrics in the 2 songs and some pretty well thought out lyrics on "Remember Everything" actually has some meaning :)

  4. These guys are pretty dang awesome. I Love this song and also if you like you should check out the "Wonderful Life & Watch Over You" after this one :D





  5. Hello everyone, This is -SnowBlind* (Greg) :P Been playing on the jaymod server for some time now so mostly ppl there will know me. A little bit about myself. I live in Northern California with my Fiance, do construction for work, Im 33 years old and love ET. I have a long 10 year relationship with this game, its an on again off again relationship but now that I play mostly just weekends I really enjoy it always, especially in your friendly confines. I look forward to more GGs with you guys for a long time to come :) see you guys on the battlefield!

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