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Everything posted by Lancer

  1. Lag!
  2. Lancer

    Muppet Mail 2

    Oh wow... Excuse me! When's a new newspost coming up?
  3. Lancer

    Muppet Mail 2

    Very nice news post - Congratulations on everyone! Too bad nobody is on teamspeak and i'll try to attend this sunday .
  4. I do this to bump my postcounter up niki! Haha No for real, i like to answer everybody personally Nice to meet you and see you ingame!
  5. Lancer

    Etpro Practice

    Is this event still available?
  6. Hey frezzh! Already seen you ingame Thanks, it's the truth though! Hello Mr Muppet, thanks alot! Greetings niki, Thanks And sure will! I know andy! Haha And that will surely happen! To all: Hello & Thanks!
  7. Thanks guys! I sure will do that, on both questions!
  8. Hello everbody on the forum! I'm relatively new to this forum and the muppets, but after a comeback from 2/3 years to wolfenstein: enemy territory, i've decided this will be my home server + lurking spot. My name ingame is lancer, and my real name is Chris. I'm 20 years young...or old Feel free to ask any questions, you'll 'always' get an answer back ! Greetings and dutch love, Lancer.
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