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MiniMuppet last won the day on July 12

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About MiniMuppet

  • Birthday 05/05/1978

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  1. Welcome to the forums
  2. Hello welcome to the forums
  3. MiniMuppet

    Maman say Hi

    Welcome to the forums
  4. Maps added Fuel dump_uvf, Rommel and UJE Italy
  5. Welcome and good luck, recruiter will reply soon
  6. Already had most these maps on before, when I return off my holiday we can try some again.
  7. Yeah it will be better if they make that new car.
  8. gacy_v2.76-382 set team_maxAirstrikes "0.5" set team_maxArtillery "0.5" These are the only setting for fieldops prefer the old settings. We changed it to try to reduce the spam of airstrikes
  9. would need some to write a map script.
  10. Try to remove all z_tmpk3 and then see if that works.
  11. MiniMuppet

    Merry xmas

    We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Teammuppet community. We would like to say thank you to each and everyone for still supporting us after all these years. We hope all of your wishes come true and we wish you health and happiness.
  12. MiniMuppet


    Version 1.0.0


    Xmas pk3 on server
  13. After Xmas we can try these maps again, I can't promise they will get voted for though 😄
  14. I did put eagles 22ways in but with the xmas mod there is a bug with the truck so had to remove it. I will put it back on after we remove the xmas mod
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