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Status Updates posted by VenoM

  1. "we ride together, we die together, bad boys for life."

    1. P3Swan


      We getting old, Mike. One of them young punks coming to take my baby out on her first date. xD

  2. out of green tea #fml

    1. GreatDanton


      pics or it didn't happen

  3. If i only had a brain. :-)

  4. One gun is all that I need, to put you to rest. Put two slugs dead in your chest One gun is all that I need, all-all that I need All that I need, to put you to rest.

  5. Congratz to Canada on winning olympic gold on ice hockey again! Great tournament, well played. :)

  6. Ice Cube is the lick Westside is the click Can't get enough of this gangsta shit!

  7. First win to team gangstaz well played guys you are great!! :P

  8. VenoM

    nice sweep over bolts

  9. Naz... where the hell are you? :( come back!

  10. In reality, vanity is our sanity Then we lose sight when we're trapped in sanity Think about the two "I's" In Insanity And read between the lines, it's more to it actually

  11. great stuff peyoteomo =D

  12. Do you comprehend? I don't think they comprehend

  13. Have you ever made love to a man?

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