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Everything posted by Paul

  1. ehm i think you can close this topic now or even remove it
  2. ok nice well i have to wait for shogun to accept me. i guess he talks with you about me, wanted some info about me lol this et community is a small world... well anyway, see ya.
  3. wow..didn't know you were spying on me but i'm not sure i will be in there oh and for the people that doubt my honesty...i don't have to tell anyone in which clan i will join, it's my own free choice. it would be different if i lie to you about it which i didn't
  4. oh sure you can have it back
  5. thanks m8 i appreciate your words, nevertheless is my opinion that when rejected 1st time it's not done to try for a second time or more. why should you ever take effort in joining when you are rejected, for me it's clear that TM has high standard for me and i can't live up to that expertation. no problem, i like it when i'm honestly judged by people but 1 time is enough for me. i'm sure that when i join 2nd time i will have this following me and probably going to use against when again smth will go wrong here. to be honest to all of you people...i'm already trying to join another clan, it's a very small clan with only 3 servers, i won't advertise here, i know that's forbidden, i think i'll be better of there i will visit you here in forum chat and in server, cya
  6. more issues...hmm...maybe better to put it here so everyone can see what a pain in the ass for the recruiters here i am nah this was a joke m8, before you think this was serious hahahahaha. ow and btw i haven't got connection problems but i can't speak so hard otherwise i would have woken up the rest of the family well it seems there was more wrong with me here, probably drinking too much beer oh well good luck with TM Paul.
  7. no it's common sense...it was not easy to decide this because TM is a great community with great players and magnificent admins. i just have a bad feeling of all this and i can't shake it off that easy, sorry but that's how i feel about it. Paul.
  8. ok i had a loooong thought about this and although my first decision was to give it a try and go for that second trial. but after a long and very clear talk with eagle on ts i've now decided not to go for a second trial. i know this will maybe come as a surprise for you and maybe some people are dissapointed that i do this. like i said before i don't believe in second chances...once people have an opinion about someone it's going to be so hard to change that. and to be honest, i find this explanation for my rejection a bit childish and i habe this feeling that's going to be hanged over my head fo rthe rest of the time i will play in your server. i strongly have a bad feeling...it's just like a young kid stole some candy out of a candystore and he will hear that a lot's of times after it happened and every time he passes the candy store people will point at him...oh that's the bratt who stole candy here, better watch him closely. well let me tell you something...i've got enough experience and majority that when i do smth wrong i have to make it better, in this case i can't see the fault in being spec ( perhaps lot's of time), or even start a little convo in pm in server, i like a good discussion ( also told earlier, as long as it's an honest discussion i like that ), and i failed to see that i misbehaved in server in evry kinda way. ok about spawn killing rules, i've read them all and i understand them now, doesn't mean i agree with it but never mind, it's there and very clear. thank you for understanding and see you in server occassoinaly Paul.
  9. Paul

    Map Test Event

    ok i will be there
  10. ok all things considered....i might re-apply do i have to make a new topic or can i use the old one? regarding sk, well it's smth i will not get used to it i guess, still think in some maps it's really unfair but ok i will read the rules about that over and over again. also like to point out that my gameplay won't change because this is the way i like to play but i will spend more time playing then sitting spec. i will try to communicate it more...tho sometimes my crappy internet connection is throwing me out the game...that might look like ragequit but it isn't. furthermore i like to suggest please send me pm when i do smth wrong in your eyes, only then i can read the whole message and take proper actions. last but not least i love this TM family, hate to see you get hurt by me or anyone else. This is my last post here, i will drop this subject for here now as it might drawn the wrong attention, i wouldn't be the one who will give a wrong impression of me. I'm cool and major and adult enough to know, sometimes i will be like a child but i will never whine, get mad or smth else just to get attention Paul.
  11. well what can i say...ty all for giving your opinion here I would love to be in TM, give me a trial for 27 days idc... After reading this all i can say is ...wow...there are people who like me regardless of the votes against me hehehehe Ok serious now, i've had a long talk yesterday evening in chatroom with Mini, Toni, Slash and Venom and i liked that very much. At least i could ventilate what i feel about this all and i got a good explanation of the rules here, although i still have the opinion that when sk is not allowed, same as camping is not allowed that should count for every map, except the maps where you have to capture spawn flag or spawn points. I suggested to put rules apart for every map, sure it's a hell of a job, other suggestion i have here now is can someone pm me maybe in which map it's allowed to sk...that would make it easier for me to understand Paul.
  12. Hello, A little late but i have to do this. First let me introduce myself... I'm Paul, 49 yrs, divorced, 2 kids sons Niels and Rick 18 and 14 yrs. I play et from around 2007 and i've been in following clans: Funclan, LGclan, ETclan, TWC-clan, DK-clan, FBI-clan, ETC-clan. LG and FBI leaved because dead, DK was a clan with friends later named SS (Shadow Strikers ). I've been all kinda ranks from admin to leader, clan-owner, even had for a short time 2 home hosted servers. Gaming was always in my blood, when i was young kid started with Atari consoles, later Nintendo and now i have PS3. I'm a very social type of guy, like to be with people in rl in work, freetime in bars or at home with friends drinking beer I try to game a lot and that's what i wanted to point out here... I've played here for about 4 months now and i've been here almost every night and if i have time during the day. Spend really a lot of time on forum as well. I play for 10 a 15 minutes, then i go spec, sometimes i need to go spec because my kids need me. And sometimes i just like to watch the game in spec. Now the reason i got rejected here is because i go spec a lot ??? And the other reason is that people didn't get to know me good enough? Well let me tell you people you had all the time in the world the past 4 months to get to know me, how much time do you need for that? I'm sorry if i sound a bit harsh, yesterday i had a long talk with Darek on server and i recieved a mail from him which i replyed. Nothing bad about you people and especially not a bad word to Darek. You've been all very friendly to me but it seems the people i was friendly to decided not to accept me in the clan. Thank you all for the chance i've got to show myself to you. Though it's still a bit strange for me to be rejected by a clan ( never had that experience in all my former clans ), i understand why you did it. Personally i don't believe in second chances, after all you have a picture from me now and have formed an opinion about me and i don't believe that will change in future. I on the other hand am not intended to change my way of being who i am, or the way i play in server. I wish to thank you all from my heart and good luck with TM i will visit you from time to time but i'm not going to do my best to rejoin here in future as i think that's going to be impossible. See ya, Paul.
  13. talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours

  14. the only logical thing next to do for you is joining this nice clan So i hope to see your apply soon m8 Nice intro btw... Cheers, Paul.
  15. sorry i was sick today...did i miss smth important? were the servers down? why?
  16. Paul

    Muppet Mail #4!

    wow looks very nice indeed
  17. well actually i liked the old Doctor with the hat and the long shawl...but i guess that's bcuz i'm an old fart Nice to meet you btw here on forum, hope to see you in server as well
  18. Paul

    Infected Event

    oki thx
  19. Paul

    Infected Event

    when will there be another event?
  20. voted as none member only visitor but i like the picture Regards, Paul. btw i've voted 9
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