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About Vinku

  • Birthday 10/15/1992

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  • Location:
    Estonia, Tartu

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  1. Happy new year and lots of beer!
  2. I made some pics really quick. These are not the best examples of my problem but mayby u can get what is my problem. And it uses my geforce GPU
  3. Darn, the problem is back! I updated my driver and this time it did not help. Any suggestions what to do?
  4. Very nice!!!! My gf has other plans so she is out of the way. I can play as long as I want Wohoooo
  5. Jaden for beer and victory!!!!!
  6. This sounds stupid, but I dont know how to take screenshots. Last time I tried then it failed and got only black picture.
  7. My gf has birthday so I cant join
  8. LARP is usually a harmless but in massive batlles like 300 vs 300 I have seen one opened up broken leg two dislockated knees and once i got my little finger torn appart to the bone. And I have seen one arrow in the eye, but this was badly made arrow. Luckyly the guy got his wision back. But these things rarely happen.
  9. Hola, dear commrades! There has been been some complaints to me for not being active enough on the forums So I^ll make my start here and give you a little introduce about me. I am Jaanus Freienthal aka Vinku from Estonia. I am 21 years old. For living I am working in Estonian National Defence University as a Cadet. So I am the richest college student in Estonia coz its the only university in estonia where you can get payd for studying But this school has a bad influence on my activity as a TM member For example past 3 months i have been living in the forrest 5 days a week. But I am as active on server as I possibly could. About my hobbyies: I have been addicted to ET since forever and 8 months ago i found this nice clan TeamMuppets which made me more active on ET again. Now i have been playing as a proud member of TM allmost for 7 months. The second biggest hobby is Judo and BJJ. I have been doing Judo for 15years and I have been the second in estonia for 5 years. Now in the army I have been gaining fat so now I am not as good as I used to be But I was the third in SUMO european championships once, so I got thisone going for me. Thirs biggest hobby is Live Action Roleplay aka LARP. I have been doing this for 8 years because I really love swordfighting and other related activities. And the last hobby is drinking heavy alcohol because when u have been living in the forrest for 3 months like an animal then in the weekends u would like to feel like a humanbeing again. Alcohol comes handy in here. I am sure that some of you have had the horror of listening to pissed drunk vinku on TS. So now I think I have shared the biggest secrets of my life to you, but if you like to then you can ask some more See ya on the field of battle
  10. I got it right now, seems that my last GPU driver update ruined something. Got new and better driver and now its okay.
  11. Oww.... when i run the game in windowed mode its allright but when i run it in fullscreen i get this problem again.
  12. I am using laptop with geforce 640m and it has integrated card intelĀ® HD graphics 4000. After restarting my Geforce settings it got alot better, now only the edges between landscape and buildings are blurry.
  13. I looked over my graphics card settings everything seemed fine there. Another note is that the objects blurry or flashing are usually far away and the flags on command posts tend to be blurry as well.
  14. Hola all! I recently discovered that i have some wierd glitch on every map. Basicly if players are near walls i can see them through walls and doors and barrels etc. Allso some objects are flashing and some walls are like the tank on marracheck streets map(i can see through the walls). The glitch isnt with every wall but some random walls. And sometimes players are like the tank from marracheck streets map for me. Its really annoying sometimes i dont understand if the player is behind the door or in front of the door. I have tried vid_restart, reconnect and reinstall but nothing works. Anyone has some ides how to fix it, i would really appriciate all your help. Best wishes, Vinku!
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