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Posts posted by Eerik

  1. Imo "I heard playing axis from time to time will solve the problem " is already insulting because of the problem and can be told elsewhere... Or am i only one thinking like that? 


    If someone breaks rules in server then there's another topic for it ;) 

  2.   #1 Braundorf. Too dark :(



      #2 Venice



    Edited 2 videos for a bit of preview(example). If anyone has any good demos where they got 4+ frags in 10-20 seconds then I'd like to see them and make a short edit of it just to test new stuff for me and that YOU have something of your own. Demos must be in ETPub/Etpro TM public server ;)


    1. a) Eventually it would be fun to make a sort of TM compilation. Something for great memories is an example.

        B) Atm this project is to get all of the community who hangs around forums to post something nice here. 

    2.     Anything we could do, to promote TM community overall. I'd deffo like ideas about it. 1 min intro about TM overall?

    For example : 

      - Only a lot better. Idk if we really have one but it would be great to have something like that on headline when you enter someones community.


    Worth it or not?

    In any case demos are welcome @ PM named "player"/"map"/"time frags/something nice happened".   






  3. I actually had same kind of problem way back. It might be easier if you create a new profile and start with blank settings.

    If that doesn't work then it is your video card making problems. I can't remember exactly what was problem so it would be useful if you post here what kind of graphics card you have and wether your using laptop.


    Think it was Radeon problem and also some settings in config that enabled it so making a new profile might work.

    Nvidia is more ET friendly but older Radeon made me problems.

  4. Nice post its always nice to get feed back and ideas from guests and it nice to hear your going to stick around.


    Mrmuppet will post some screen shots later of the processor of the dedibox for you to see that the server running are not using anything to cause lag.


    @Ren Lags is caused by so many things and not caused just by the server i don't know how many time we need to say this. If it was the server lagging then everyone on that server would also lag and as not all do therefore it isn't the server.

    I understand. Then this is just random spiking which happens due to too many people in servers ETC. 


    I have another question for that matter. Will it help reduce lag spikes overally when you force people to have /rate 25000(or 35k), /snaps 20 is set atm and cl_maxpackets 100(think its set too atm). Since when you try to get someone using 35k(or 10k?) rate and ur on 25k.. Your going to have so much fun at shooting since their connection is different. 



    Thank you all for replying so far. This helps me to stay in the right track for suggestions. 

  5. Hello, WALL OF TXT I AM TRULY SORRY. Just some thoughts. 


    1. Server lag

    2. Why i came this server

    3. Spam weapon thoughts


    1.  I noticed You use 8 servers in total for the UK Hub. SInce You might not need all the servers for the moment ( because most of them are empty from time to time and there is no point in having them for just 1 player casually playing there) is it possible to remove some of them. 

    Another issue which comes with it is that Your currently most played server seems to have lagspikes when there is at least 15 players in server in every 12 seconds and when shooting at someone and vice versa. 


    Is it possible for You to focus on getting that #1 server of Yours as stable as possible (even if the lag problem isnt caused by that many servers in one HUB but i doupt it since the upload is shared in that one HUB and having that many players online means there goes more UPLOAD to get server stable) When theres 15 players online in one server it means that other 7 servers might unstable it in that yerky little way. 

    I can't get more tehnical since im not that kind of IT guy but i think You should give me a proper answer how to get servers more stable. Since it is possible and i have seen lot of servers having 20+ members online and its very stable. 


    General idea im proposing is to have all the ETPro servers on Germany HUB and ETPub Main server and perhaps 1 more server on UK one. You might need to focus solely on keeping the most active server perfectly going and then go from there. As i see atm most of players only play there and theres no need for other servers, YET. I had same experience in one of my old clan .eG which i was scrim leading and eventually we had to tone down servers since noone played them(Whats the point? Having so many servers to advertise or having best server in ET to advertise?) and it caused too much lag in the ones ppl played in. 



    2.   I can probably talk about my own experience as in.. I just now wanted to come back to play ET with my wife again. My selection went down to these servers which are (im not advertising, im showing how i made my selection) listed in et.splatterladder. Since i wanted a big community. It is useless to join into server where theres only 5-10 people playing from time to time. If you want to play in a community that lasts for some time then you have to have more people than that playing in evening times.  I needed european server since the US lag sucks. I needed at least 10+ players. Also when Your having so many admins in spec it helps. It actually psychologically makes you want to come in, so that maybe one of those specs comes in to play when theres noone online :D Etpro servers was a no go. Theres no community in them. Pure effeciency and trolling and hate! 


    =DRi=Elite NooBs REDIRECT   

    There's so many players playing it, like 30? Its so hard to play when theres so much spam around with 30 people. With so many people you GOT TO HAVE spam weapons stronger. Like RNade, normal nades, panzers etc.  .. But it has one problem.. It has only ONE map which makes it awful to play when you aim to play there for a long time. So drop that off the list.



    This and more of those servers. Polish community which is a no go. Nobrainer in here. Also some other national servers. Gief international servers! 

    [GoC]XP Save Forever

    Laggy and there was one big issue there. I was called hacker all the times. Which means there must be a community where players actually have some aiming and a small bit of knowledge how to play. 


      TWC No Download

    Playing the most original maps in ET is a no go. You have played those maps for over 10 years.. You need something new. Something which is as playable as original maps. Usually these maps are etpro proven maps which make a good choice. As bremen, adlernest, frostbite etc. GLIDER ISNT A MAP. But it is my personal view. (Voting system You have is great for that).


    I could go on with this list but i will be banned for advertisement i guess. Like i said.. New or better to say, old nostalgic players who come even from etpro or wherever don't care about MOD. I like the Players here that can actually kill me sometimes for instance. It's so different with different players. Everyone seeks their own agenda in ET otherwise other servers wouldnt be populated. I created this topic to give some insight from the "foreigner" perspective of Your server and maybe even.. help You to improve what You already have ( which is great!). 


    3.  Oh and a thought about spam weapons. RNade could be stronger when theres like 10+ guys against you. Although when you make RNade stronger then it's good to limit their use to max 1 per 4(start with 4, 3v3 is hard with it)-7 players. Panzer same. I don't know how it is atm since it might be similar but having 1x rifle and 1x panzer in 3v3 against you is pain! Otherwise it's quite spammy. Spam weapons should be there to get at least 2+ players killed at once. I only manage to get 2+ players with normal nades when i drop the nade right in their faces. But i think the range is OK although damage could be harsher. Especially when everyone has their skills leveled up and have more then 100 HP. Especially rambo MEDs like me. I would die to see good rifling! 


    I'm gona hide in a little corner now. 




    Your new pub player who plans to stick around in your servers

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