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About cropsel

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  1. I will vote for freak
  2. I voted to, none of the dates are perfect of course, but hope I will be able to join in..
  3. Thanks all of you! Indeed it has been some years! It would be great if you could merge my old account. I will try to be at least active on the forums, and join in as often as I can! Which server is the preferable one? Especially for people needing to get the old skills back?
  4. Hi. Some of you guys might remember me. I used to be a member but quit in about 2009 I guess. Recently I just installed ET again, and that made me think of you guys again. Finding you was not easy.. changing the domain to .eu But when I actually did find the website, I was happy to see how much new members there are now. Maybe I will see you guys in-game if I find some time to play and you guys are on too. Cheers! Cropsel P.S. Why did we not have beer mugs back when I was still active It is really awesome!
  5. maybe it is time to go back how it was when i joined.. just one server.. members having fun together on the server.. because i think because of multiple servers and some stupid things. like calling ex-members unloyal.. that is not the way it should be.. i think we should also be happy to see most old members back we did have fun with them..
  6. for me is it NQ any version or etmain because that way it is less to download..
  7. congratz skepta.. :happy-wavemulticolor:
  8. ok for me it is working.. if i aim at head it is a headshot and i win:D
  9. i dont think we should do this because that way i think some members will try to hard to become lvl 2 and we dont need that.. we need people who like to go for TM not people who like to be member lvl 2..
  10. no not really.. a generated trace maps.. contains 3 color levels.. red green and yellow if i remember correctly.. which all three represend a particullary height in the map.. for example the really low buildings are visible on the red but not on the other ones.. and when u are making a command map out of these u have to fancy it up a lil.. so u have to add those lines.. and some white lines which are to follow to complete the map.. and so on.. just make it really look like a map.. as it is the same u see on the limbo screen (the screen u get when u press L in game)
  11. oh i would say just when we see them and when they are nice they rise a level.. till level 3 or something.. and maybe we can also give members !setlevel as you cant set any level higher then your own.. So it is impossible to get yourself higher. Other than when an higher admin decides he/she should get it..
  12. it looks good but i got a question.. you said before allies got also to blow the door to the tank room.. but i dont see that in the primary objectives.. most of the time primary objectives have to be done to win the map and secondary like side walls and cp dont really need to be done but it makes it easier to do the primary ones... so maybe you should change some of the secondary objectives to primary objectives.. but it looks good cp is really funny thing..
  13. yeah me too
  14. i also prefer the map set times.. they are set with a meaning for it.. mostly defending teams have lower spawn times because of the thing muppet said.. but if we agree it is too long it is now in NQ also possible to make it a lil lower for both teams. http://shitstorm.org/noquarter/wiki/ind ... e_1.2.7.29
  15. Happy birthday mate :happy-jumpgreen: :occasion-candle:
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