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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. lol
  2. lol those places have no texture.. it is different.. a common mapping thing.. really annoying, have to check all possible places in the map for those places..
  3. the grass texture is not loaded i guess..
  4. u lucky boy.. always a pub very close
  5. mine is just a red dot..
  6. only numbers in his name.. it screwes up the admincommands
  7. Hey guys a friend of mine asked me if we wanted to join in a cup.. i dont know what the other teams are skilled ect. just wondering if u would like to do it... u can see info about it here http://www.team-sektor.com/
  8. lol it is possible to change ur IP ask muppet how..
  9. and the vsay thing is vsay_buddy
  10. copy the binds before u do the reinstall.. and paste them afterwards.. but be sure u dont copy the bug too.. :idea:
  11. maybe u can try to reinstall the game.. so all the in-game settings are correct
  12. lol i think i have read somewhere on the PB site they also save the number of ur hard disk.. So u computer is banned and u need to buy a new one to get unbanned..
  13. we need more training as a team.. we play with to much easy to kill lone wolfs.. before we play another match we need loads of training.. then we stand a chance.. and about this we should be sure they cant next time.. 8-)
  14. the server IP is and the pass is bhtraining
  15. lol donald
  16. well i will be.. wand virus later as he told before.. i hope onyx can play that time.. and otherwise maybe some other members.. like winston etc... or even maybe one newly recruited guy..
  17. yeah i know but u get shorter time.. and u have to carry the gold further in less time..
  18. well when we decide the war details.. i knew this... so it is going to be the normal goldrush and supply because most members know these
  19. maybe we can change the old ETpub server.. So it has some huge text all the time in the bottom of the screen.... like: This is server is going to close down, please join
  20. ok onyx when can u be on?? can u make this??
  21. yes i think so.. people don join empty servers.. But it is just what turtle told me..
  22. yes he does.. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]Im sure its work with recruiting in main screen.... But not sure about get back too 2,55. I thout 2,60 patch is better than 2,55 because 2,55 servers are mosty hacked. Do there play more players at 2,55 too? Bq i dont know. well i asked him that too.. and he said that there where more people because there are no bots on 2.55 and some people prefer to not play with bots..
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NvJs3KNdkw
  24. lol originally the video was used in a dutch commercial.. because the last sentence means: or u use clearasil 2 weeks i think u all know what clearasil is?? dont u??
  25. well sure every day in the server.. just ask some guys.. but i dont think i will be online much this week loads of work etc.
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