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Sgt. StikStof

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Everything posted by Sgt. StikStof

  1. nice teaser vid
  2. Sgt. StikStof

    It's time

    Best of luck in life and everything else. Thanks
  3. Wow. Thanks! I truely underestimated the power of ET configs indeed. ;p Guess I'll go try and write some stuff in my config. v43
  4. Ty. But still doesn't solve my "problem". It's true you can bind any vsay you want, but you can only bind this to one single key right? for example "bind n Text blalbbal vsay bla". This binds just the single key "n" which gives you fancy colors, some text and a nice vsay. For example: Tho say somehting like "deploy mortar", you type something like: v8885 (or something like that) Using the v8885 you can "browse" certain levels. I would like to "browse" to (for example) v -> 8. Which gives you the special sound genres list. From there I would like to navigate to the specific sound genre. And from there on to the specific sound. (All using numeric keys) Example: 1. statements 2. requests 3. commands 4. talk 5. global 6. function 7. objectives 8. EXTRA Statements: v1.1 – Path cleared. – Path Cleared v1.2 – The enemy is weakened. – Enemy Weakend v1.3 – All clear. – All Clear v1.4 – Incoming! – Incoming v1.5 – Fire in the hole! – Fire In The Hole v1.6 – I’m defending. – On Defense v1.7 – I’m attacking. – On Offense v1.8 – Taking fire! – Taking Fire v1.9 – Mines cleared. – Mines Cleared v1.0 – Enemy in disguise. – Enemy Disguised EXTRA v8.1 – love sounds v8.2 – German songs v8.3 – X-mas partysongs v8.4 – w/e love sounds v8.1.1 "I love you... (mini)" v8.1.2 "Careless whisper.mp3" v8.1.3 "I was made for loving..." So for example if you'd like to hear some George Michael you press the v812 combination. V81 to browse to love sounds. And the 2 to choose the particular song and execute it. I don't there is a way to bind this yourself right? But anyway, it's not that much of a problem I guess.
  5. Yeah thanks Sadly that's not what i like though.. Since you cant bind for example v823 (e.g. the tab "Extra" "Xmas-songs" "We wish you...". With that way you're just limited to 4 voicecommands using the numeric keys (since 1-6 are already in use). Sadly you cannot "browse" anymore then. Anyway. It's not that much of a problem I guess. Good reason not to spam Xmas vsays all the time.
  6. Yush that looks nice Haha everything looks brilliant. Also some nice voice commands About those voicecommands, I was wondeirng if it would be possible to assign the commands only to the numeric keys. Since the commands are assigned to WASD (and others) it's not possible to walk around while browsing through the menu. Ofcourse it's not that big of a problem and it might even result in less frequent xmassoundspamming, but still. For me it would be nicer if it were assigned to 8 or 9 for example, and in there an extra menu for: 1. Fun 2. Songs(deutsch) 3. Songs(Eng) for example. Well that's for me ofcourse, and I dont know if it would take much time to make changes. Anyway thing i wanted to say, maps look great. Finally the time of the year people dont look weird at me when I walk around with my wand in my hand. And ofcourse throwing. Nice.
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