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chaussette last won the day on December 25 2020

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  1. Hello Always the same player Unable to play and he's happy with his record 2024-08-10-182930-baserace_desert.dm_84
  2. good eveneing we have to hope you're right La grenouille ☺️
  3. Player name : : Inforc3r 3:16 or Inforc3r
  4. Good evening Thank you for your reply and indeed it should be banned
  5. Good evening Again and again the same player who sk That's why I'm playing less and less 2024-03-06-205501-baserace_desert.dm_84
  6. hi thanks for the answer maybe I'll go a little to see the game I tried a bit even the bots are better than me 😊
  7. hello team i just connected to the baserace server , updated to legacy and i lost all my xp if my xp are not lost forever is what someone can do something ? merci / thank you chaussette
  8. hello what is n_guid
  9. video disgusted and annoyed by the recurring attitude of this player 2020-07-11-090216-baserace_b3c.dm_84
  10. Hello I managed to connect to discord
  11. Hello "spawn " reoffended your invitation doesn't work , maybe too late 2020-03-20-182638-baserace_dm.84
  12. hello no need to wait long 2020-03-15-183801-baserace.dm_84
  13. hello thank you for your interest, because I love the baserace map when you connect with your tag, they leave it's normal because they can't sk. those are always the same players, spawn for example I hope that we will be able to find fun and fairplay on the baserace server
  14. I can't read this one but you may be able to when you're angry you see sk everywhere 2020-03-02-200423-baserace_b3c.dm_84
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