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Everything posted by HayZay

  1. I want to play , someone want meee?
  2. I will be!!!!!
  3. HayZay

    It's time

    I am newbie,but i want to say thanks to u for create a great family-community,where i stay for longer time *sorry for english.
  4. voted, I can play:).
  5. hahah thanks, he don t like people ) :DD
  6. Hello, so my nick-name in game is HayZay .In real life my name is Jackob I am from the Poland, I live in the bigger city in east Poland-Lublin,I am still going to secondary technical school of informatic,I am 17 y/o,I like Hip-hop culture,rap music,kickboxing,mma.if you got any qeustions about me pm me,doo se in game.
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