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winrar last won the day on August 15 2015

winrar had the most liked content!

About winrar

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  1. Use more HD textures pls :3 Looks good so far! I can make an intro movie for it or something when it's done
  2. thanks for existing :O

    1. shan:*


      Lou Voyie? :')

  3. DEMOS. GOTTA GET DEM DEMOS... Demos. Demos.

    1. winrar


      Luckily it's not your job otherwise you'd be fired by now

    2. shan:*


      As if anyone would fire me. I'd be the one firing them for being a shit boss.

    3. winrar


      If you're trying to call me a shit boss I'm not one..

      I'm not your boss but partner so gtfo

  4. Winnie. Come back... :'(

    1. winrar


      I haven't been anywhere. It's my internet that needs to come back -.-

    2. shan:*


      I can't frag without my disposable bodyshield. </3

  5. Most trickjumpers moved to https://slack.com/ Can use it online or download a client for it.
  6. Still your biggest fan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shan:*
    3. winrar


      Your response was really productive for this community. I am very grateful for your contribution!

    4. shan:*


      Cunt. That's about as productive as I can get.

  7. finders keepers

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. winrar


      I found my inner tj god.

      And Danton a heart cannot be kept, it has to be free. Keeping it beats the purpose of having it.

      I bet Danton would read bedtime stories to his gf :)

    3. StaR


      ^ That made no sense :|

    4. winrar


      Feel free to interpret it as you wish :P

  8. Your presence always makes the day brighter. And thanks to you I can only play allies now cause otherwise I'd get my ass kicked -.- A true aimbotter you are.
  9. Thanks all for the warm welcomings. I'm familiar with basic C++, C#, HTML, PHP, CSS, MySQL.
  10. Hello everybody. I'm Alex and I enjoy playing on your servers for quite some time and also using your teamspeak server daily so I just decided to join this community cause... why not. I'm from Bulgaria but living in Finland and studying IT in a university. Unemployed sadly. Hobbies are ET, Table tennis, programming. Been playing wolfet since 2004 after my dad showed me the game lols. Had my prime during 2011-2012 when I owned my own server & clan with over 100 members. What am I doing around TM? Well I would like to contribute with whatever I can for this dying game. I've got plenty of knowledge in the field of IT so if there are any problems with servers/clients/website or so on I'd gladly like to help. Recently I've mostly spent my time on trickjumping but I am not as good as I would like to be yet. Shoutouts to Danton for not being too scared and giving trickjumping a try. TJ server seems quite dead :/ Anyways I'm sometimes a douche but don't mind me. I talk too much and half of the stuff I say are crap so why get offended. I am happy to live in the golden age of dank memes! Shoutouts to shannie aswell for bringing me @ TM
  11. I think I may be your biggest fan.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shan:*


      The only one you need. :)

    3. winrar



    4. shan:*


      That nerd talk though...

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