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plumps last won the day on November 16 2018

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  1. Ouch, and iam on trainingscamp in Plzen CZ. Have a lot of fun!!!
  2. Ofc, as 2low4nick! Have a look to my introduction.
  3. I just wanted to leave a few lines above me so you know who you are killing. My real Name is Mario, i'm 35 years old and i'm from Germany. My nicks are plumps, earlier krypton and aktuell 2low4nick. Just because i'm current really to lowskilled for a nickname. Btw my english skills are that low too! I started playing W:ET in 2005, when a lot of ppl said "ET is already dead". I had many great years with some archievements in different Clans , like Minus-Gaming or Outlaw Gaming. And have played 3 times on one of the biggest German Lan Parties, called "Enlarged". And of course i always played etpro, so etpub is new for me. ET finaly died in around 2016... But for me its still the best game ever and its really nice to see the game still have its small community!!! Unfortunately, I do not have much time to play et, but then I like to spend time with you on the server. Btw blame Jessica, she asked me to sign up here. So, enough words... lets fight on the server!
  4. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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