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Posts posted by bumpermajn2

  1. @Bystry Yes, I can't get the bugs to appear. I would have used the proper word reproduce, but my brain screwed me over :P

    Panzer and Satchel doesn't give me a full chargebar on Spawn. Neither does 2, but if I throw a smoke (and kill before bar goes down) I do get a full charge on spawn. So I'm guessing every weapon where it is possible to selfkill before chargebar goes down will have this problem, and I don't know how to fix that. I haven't been able to reproduce 1 and 2.

    This one is just printing all the relevant number in console on death and spawn, which can help figure out the bugs: http://www.bumpermajn.tk/files/sticky-debug.lua

    But perhabs there are other scripts interfering or you are running the older buggy version. The current version is this: http://www.bumpermajn.tk/files/sticky_v0.2.lua

    The SHA1 hash of it is: f8c28188c488ba18f66aca52d687bbf011a61383

    But it could just be me and my poor timing skills. I am known to run through spawn at the exact wrong time :P

  2. I can't replicate 1 and 2.

    The 3. one I can (with covert smoke only) and I'm afraid it would take some heavy lifting to fix, because I don't think the engine has the time to set the weapontime variable before the et_Obituary call and the weapontime is not available at spawn either. However I'm only guessing. You can try and use this loud debugging version of the script to get closer to what is happening. It prints to the client consoles. You would have to notice the values of your obituary and spawn when a bug happens.


    44 minutes ago, Bystry said:

    Also the power bar now doesn't recharge gradually while in limbo/waiting for respawn.

    I was not aware that it had to ;)

  3. 1 hour ago, Bystry said:

    Yes, 1 means that the recharge will be sticky (it won't refill completely, it will be the same after respawning as it was in the moment of death) only after suicide (/kill) and means that it will be at the same level after any death (suicide, enemy killing you, etc.). 

    Here is a simple lua script that does what b_stickycharge = 2 does:

    function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart)
    	-- register name of this module
    	et.RegisterModname ("etl stickycharge")
    weapon_time = {}
    function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth)
      et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.classWeaponTime", weapon_time[clientNum])
    function et_Obituary(target, attacker, meansOfDeath)
      weapon_time[target] = et.gentity_get (target, "ps.classWeaponTime")


  4. 1 hour ago, Bystry said:

    I know, I spoke to developers and they are currently looking into it and it should we fixed in the next patch.

    I quickly skimmed the code, but didn't locate the problem (I assumed the other skill_ settings worked). However if the problem is in the .config parser, one could set the skill_ variables in the main server cfg file and comment them out in the .config file as a workaround.


    6 hours ago, Bystry said:

    These are the possible values for b_stickycharge: client's powerbar refills completely (0) or gradually after suicide (1)/ any death (2). In competitive matches it was set to 2.

    Yes, so 1 means check for selfkill in method of death and 2 means don't care about method of death always keep ps.classWeaponTime. If I understand everything correctly.

  5. You are right the b_stickycharge variable does not exist in ETLegacy. I think it would be possible to write a lua script to replicate the functionality. I figure the script should store the ps.classWeaponTime (if that is the right one) on each death and set it on spawn if the obituary says it was a selfkill. No promises that this would work.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Bystry said:

    g_misc 0 // not sure about this, there are some options: 

    1 - disable boosting while when g_shove is enabled

    2 - medic syringe heal // I think this is the syringe healing option, but I don't know what those values mean or what to do to disable it

    4 - combine arty and strike timers

    16 - display owner of dynamite

    32 - player loose spawn shield when weapons are fired

    This is a bitfield flag. You can just add up the flags you want enabled to get the value for g_misc.

  7. 21 hours ago, Bystry said:

    The 3on3 config is loaded, but it needs slight adjustments to be able to play 3on3 competitive, etpro-style matches and organize a tournament. Maybe there is someone familiar with the Legacy mod settings that could help with this a little bit? It's got to do with things like ammo and med packs flying out of dead bodies, power bar recharging after selfkill/respawn, artillery and airstrike limitations, ability to heal an alive player with a syringe and some other small details. Maybe @bumpermajn2?

    I think ammo and health from dead players are controlled with g_dropAmmo and g_dropHealth.

    These are the team_ variables I am aware of, where you would be interested in atlest artyTime and airstrikeTime:


    I'm don't know of any variables controlling the syringe or selfkill/spaw powerbar recharge, but I think the syringe might be a "skill" and therefore be gained with the right skill_ varibale for medic. If you want to change chargetime that's a g_ variable. This is a list the variables with default settings.

    g_covertopsChargeTime = "30000"
    g_soldierChargeTime = "20000"
    g_fieldopsChargeTime = "40000"
    g_engineerChargeTime = "30000"
    g_medicChargeTime = "45000"

    skill_soldier = "20 50 90 140"
    skill_medic = "20 50 90 140"
    skill_fieldops = "20 50 90 140"
    skill_engineer = "20 50 90 140"
    skill_covertops = "20 50 90 140"
    skill_battlesense = "20 50 90 140"
    skill_lightweapons = "20 50 90 140"

  8. 3 hours ago, kujaw said:

    I'm in with Mumble, as an open source fan and proprietary software enemy.

    ET Legacy players can be a difficult bunch of free software hippies!

    I don't care what network it is as long as I can connect to it with an IRC client. I once tried the Discord bridge in bitlbee, but that didn't work out. Anyway as long as the teams can agree on a way to communicate, it doesn't matter how. I hope to meet up with my team when we play, so that we can use real analog voice chat :P

  9. 6 hours ago, sed said:

    sorry dont have irc

    You don't need any accounts for IRC. All you do is enter a nickname and chat in a channel. With the link above you can do it in a browser. I was just mentioning the channel because kujaw mentioned IRC. I created it for the stuff I'm working on, which is related to this (a team/tournament platform integrated with an etl server and mumble), but not about the tournament of this thread.

    Hope we can have this tournament going, should be fun. I could probably form my own 3 player team, so count me in as a team.


    2 hours ago, Ctrz said:

    Or you could use muppet discord?

    I'm not interested in using Discord. Mumble and IRC are open protocols for everyone to use without accounts and without a master. I like that.

  10. @kujaw

    I've been working a little on some server setup and an integrated web-platform for tournaments the past two days, inspired by this thread. I've registered an  IRC channel on quakenet and a domain. It is pretty late now (20 minutes past 4 in the morning) so the channel will be empty until I've had some sleep, but feel free to drop in on the channel if you like.


    or just #etlplay @ QuakeNet

  11. ETLegacy has support for recording full server-side demos, which is a guarantee of a complete and genuine recording of the match. It would also be possible to make a simple lua script for the server to record detailed-stats of the match.

  12. I was joking of course! I think calling me very good is more than I deserve. I'm well aware of my abilities compared to some of you masters of the craft. My aim stinks and I can't trick-, strafe- or bunnyjump. I also got a proper braindamage from playing too much engineer, I rush into stuff I shouldn't and pray for the best. I am good at reading the game and finding ways to complete the objective, but any bot with proper waypoints can do that! :D Figuring out how to get past you guarding the gold in Streets of Italy, was a pain in the ass. In a straight up fight I got shot down every time. It was too late I finally was able to sneak up on you with panzer :D Looking forward to hearing more about this tournament and to play you guys on the muppet when I have the time.

  13. Oh, I think you made a mistake Bystry, you only put me among the "very good" players. You know that bumper always win! ;) Oh, but seriously though I'm a much better admin and programmer than I am a gamer! So if you need some extra hands on the technical stuff just ask.

  14. Sounds fun. Maybe I can convince KNEECAPTAIN to join too. How much of a setup are you thinking? Just arranging a the time for a match and using the muppet server? Or host a private server for the match and maybe set up a voice chat (i can only do mumble on linux)?

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