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Posts posted by sty

  1. On 5/13/2023 at 3:46 AM, Muxer said:

    This topic is just to tell you that nothing is written in stone and it is worth to get feedback sometimes.

    I've seen a lot of online communities in my life and I've seen a lot of overreacting admins, who were feeling as GODS... You know: limitless power, kicking, banning, punishing...  WOW! 
    First: people start joking about them... but later: got simply discouraged and left because of continuous conflicts generated.

    I hope that thank to this topic Jessica will think about cooling down a little bit, loosing pants and letting people play on open server (even the disliked people) - just like the other members do.
    Maybe it will also stop jokes about his kicks and bans...

    Whilst I belive your good intentions, and from what little I know about you from the server, that you are a good guy...man, just try to admin this server for 1 week. You will see how much work it is, and you will know that admins do not enjoy babysitting spawnkillers, but they would rarther have a good time pubbing.

  2. 3 hours ago, FrenchPie said:


    (...) As far as I know, the Khazars would be descended for at least part from the lost tribes of Israel. (...) 




    This is very interesting, care to share some info bout it? PM me m8.

  3. 18 hours ago, ButterlyFly said:

    Hi there, regular player here!


    I noticed this administrator is kicking players for 15 or more minutes, sometimes impulsively, just because he saw someone standing for 10 - 20 seconds in spawn. Let it be changing class in the lobby (for some new players it might take long, yes). His reasoning is "go spec next time".

    AFK is reserved for longer absence of gameplay or repeated AFKs.

    There is no way that someone gets kicked for 15 minutes just because he had business for 10 seconds (blew his nose, went to the toilet, changing class, you get the idea). Nevertheless, he does it.

    There is also an AFK timer on your server, so why is he kicking for 15 minutes when the system does it? It is blatant admin privilege abuse. Not to mention that he himself sometimes AFKs, but who kicks him? Rhetoric question. He "deserves" to be put to spectator by the system, obviously.

    For sty:

    There is an automatic system that puts you to spectator.

    I played on the main server for 3 years, at first you put everyone with your false (above-mentioned) criteria to spectator. Fine. At least we come back and continue.

    Now it escalated to the point that you kick people for 10 - 15 minutes.

    I understand AFKs are annoying (if ~15 seconds is AFK even?), but someone going to do his business for 20 seconds is not a reason to kick him for 15 minutes, when there is an automatic system that puts that player to spectators - also, you are AFK sometimes too and put top spec by the system several times. Isn't that hypocritical?

    How would you feel if you brought a bottle of water, then you come back 15 seconds later, and you are kicked for 15 minutes with a reason of "go spec if AFK" with the knowledge that there is an auto spectator system. You would be angry, wouldn't you?

    If it really bothers you, stick with your first solution: put them to spec. Even that is absurd, because of the auto spec system. But at least you don't kick people for being AFK for 10 - 20 seconds once.

    Many people complained about you for this.

    Please stop.

    This behaviour escalated and grew from semi-appropriate but useless spectator !put s -ing into admin kick command abuse.

    You don't have to kick people, the system does it for you. Even better, the system doesn't kick, it puts people to spec after a certain amount of time, so they can continue playing.

    It is no excuse that they occupy slots for connecting players when the server isn't half-full or half full even, and then you kick them for the same reason.

    If you think the auto-spec system it is flawed, why did the TM founders invent this system and leave it untouched?

    Your actions are counterproductive and harmful for yourself and other players. You even kick people when the server is not even half full. Counterproductive for you because you get to play with fewer players, and harmful for the players you kick with impulsivity because you saw him stand in spawn for 8 seconds. Or 15 seconds.

    And no, it's not about people going to spectator and back to team then AFK again. You kick some people the first time you see them AFK, on a whim. This is nonsense.

    Denying it would be in vain.

    I didn't record games up until now, only saw it and experienced it. But this is too much, man.

    I will start from today. I really hope this will discourage you from abusing the kick command in particular in this context.

    An extra effort from your side could be if you would stop your impulsivity and cease putting people to spectator who stay in spawn for 15 seconds on average and thanks to that you put them to spec.

    I ask you, please, stop your impulses and let us play. Yes, we need 15 seconds to blow our nose while we stay in spawn, but could you forgive us that and stop kicking us out for 10 - 15 minutes for such small things? I know it's not much, but seriously, this is an over-kill. Say nothing of that these actions have no impact on the game at all.

    People have to go to a hidden place on the map not to be seen by you only for the sole reason that you are in the team and your first thing to do when you respawn is look around to see if anyone is standing and if you find someone, you kick him or at best put him to spec when there is already an automated spec-system.

    This is crazy.

    I know this is ridiculous, but the absurdity presents itself.

    There is no reason putting players to spectator because it is automated (auto-spec system), let alone kick someone for staying in spawn for 15 seconds or because you happened to see him in spawn in that moment. Otherwise, he would continue playing.

    TM Owners, Founders, Members:

    Please inform him that this is not OK to kick someone for 15 minutes just because he was switching classes or blew his nose for 20 seconds and had to throw it in the bin in the other room, or had to go to the toilet, thus he stayed in spawn during that time.

    I am getting tired of repeating myself, but: there is an auto spec system in operation non-stop. His !put and !kick commands are redundant and toxic on an impulse. He hates seeing standing players. He even warns people to play more "effectively" or "don't goof around" - even newcomers - or they will be kicked. His personality is dominant and abusive according to how he communicates with others.

    A crucial reminder to mention, it is only TM sty doing this, no other administrator does this. Only him.

    Furthermore, I will start recording games from today and replay them to see if he abuses the commands again in this context.

    If you need proof, the players involved will gladly assist you, just ask them, but I will happily provide you with further incoming future recorded evidence. < This sentence in itself hopefully will be read by sty and discourage him from his aberrant use of his administrative privileges in this context.

    I hope that the TM Owners/Founders/Members will handle this appropriately and monitor his commands and the validity of them. I would gladly help out with recording games, which I will.

    Otherwise, he is doing a good job maintaining the server, like shuffling when unbalance occurs, muting spammers, kicking racist players/names and all.

    He is an okay admin, but his impulsive behaviour towards players that stay in spawn for ~15 seconds is, to most peoples' standard, is unacceptable and nonsensical and in many eyes he is seen pretty bad, abusive.

    Thank you for reading. I leave it up to the staff to handle it, I will comment no further except when I have video proof of him abusing commands when it comes to standing still in spawn for ~15 seconds - when there is an automated spec system.

    About your description: I always wait at least 2-3 respawns before I put some1 to spec. I always give you a chance to go get water etc. I kick ppl who are constantly not going spec, making teams unfair. And I don't do it because I enjoy it. I do it to teach you respect to other players and admins. It seems you have no idea what impact on the game do 7 afk at the start of a map. 


    Automated system is on,  so no1 can be afk for a whole day. When TM member is on the server, it is his duty to maintain teams fair.

    What is your nickname ingame?

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  4. On 11/13/2022 at 9:02 PM, RandyMarsh said:

    To be fair that bottom axis spawn is a tricky thing, I know the rules and don't break it but it's kinda hard when axis can spawn there and you're essentially not allowed to kill them despite their spawn blocking 2 routes to progress. You step foot in there or make it through and they spawn you have absolutely 0 chance without being accused of spawn killing.

    I'm 99% of the time axis on that map so it works well for me, but the few times I'm allied it really does suck and doesn't seem fair.

    Yeah I get the feeling, but it is all about timing. I will give you example of TM Lost; I specced him 100s of times when he was spawn passing and he NEVER sked, so ye, it is possible to play by the rules, and win a map. Same goes for mortar. I specced TM Frenchpie 100s of times and TM FRIEND Neu Rah, and their mortar was never anywhere close to any spawn exit. They just follow the rules. So yeah....

    • Like 1
  5. I think there is too much spawn killing on the server recently. PPl abuse the warning system so I just kick if the name of a player sounds familiar. Consider yourself as scapegoat.

    Garage is fixed spawn and sk is not allowed there even with a feather. Get familiar with the rules and have fun playing.

  6. The best way would be what @Ctrz proposed, set the timelimit of autobalancer to 10s or so. No need to wait a whole minute, considering how busy our main server is. Currently afk ppl are "pain in the ass". I need to go spec and check both teams and put all manually, sometimes its 4-5 ppl each side. Also some players PM me to put some1 on spec. Setting autobalancer on short would be a good thing.

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