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About Jane0754

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  1. Jane0754

    cant load cfg

    Cant seem to load .cfg My online name is spencer1086. Thanks
  2. original wolf had much longer
  3. Hi, just noticed after being gone for a week that it takes only 5 to 7 bullets to kill someone in revival mode. Could it be changed back to what it was, 8-11ish?. It's just I got used to the normal time. Regards
  4. Hi, just wondering why not limit players in Main to around 30 total then people will go into the second channel? Worked in etpro, there was hirntot and hbc hellbasket. Regards
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  5. I fixed it, turned down poll rate on mouse.
  6. Hi turning cause's the screen to stutter and then a direction key gets held down in the process. any help would be nice note: haven't changed any settings
  7. Been a while since my quote un quote monthly input ; is there any reason why we all kill each other? much skill ... i cant be the only one , have a nice day!
  8. TM members only. Bit sad in this day of age.
  9. When dying and waiting to press space to tap out it takes a long time. I'm talking about the animation of falling to your knees. Has this been increased? If so why and can it be changed to a shorter time. Many thanks
  10. I get kicked for not being in spec, idling. Do they seriously think I'm gonna use 100000 dpi to click on the spec button!?
  11. open !spec command?
  12. why auto balance? idc if team has a few extra, there are many players joining! i also think !spec command would help
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