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  1. If you don't like spawntimers like me, you can always just remember the spawn time :p The only time its not really feasible is on maps where you can't divide the spawntime/60, for example frostbite where allies spawn every 25s. On main server its also not fun because of 12s spawntime is most common (fe. 7 19 31 43 55), but its possible. 20/30 is very easy though :p
  2. The other way to recognize cvops beside the obvious *spot a weapon technique* is to look at compass because the enemy cvops in disguise doesn't show up on it just like enemies. Unless this is also behind some level but I have no idea what they actually do so I can't tell, but its even easier than looking for weapon.
  3. I can only speak for myself but as I got back to the game only few months ago I've never seen or heard about this particular change coming. I feel the problem might lay in what actually people want/expect from Legacy. I for sure didn't come back to play ET just to see its heavily modified game that doesn't resemble what I used to play back in the day. I started using Legacy over vanilla client because it was more modern but at the same time the server felt like old game(even more so than the only alive ETpro public servers). The community is small, there really isn't much servers to play on and you can only play at specific hours, so when people that played the same game for many many years react like that for even the smallest change(and explosion rework is not small in my opinion) is not strange for me because they are here to play the game they have always played. Even though small, it's rather mixed group of people with different view on the game, some more competitive than others, coming from various mods and so you will get mixed feedback. Anyway thanks for the write up, it was nice to get a view on how the ETLegacy development is going and I hope that someday the game will see a healthy surge of new/old players.
  4. Yes, I was referring to healing with syringe without teamkill. I didn't know that it's just a script. I thought I read somewhere about it on the ETLegacy github as an idea to add to the game but maybe I'm misremembering it, or maybe not but it was added as a script but I'm too lazy to try and find it now so nevermind then. Alright thanks for the tip
  5. What exactly was changed? Only things related to syringe accuracy or more? For example was enemy blocking wounded fixed? I tried testing it but with only bots its hard and didn't manage to. I haven't really feel anything off about syringe accuracy (I've started playing in march after 9 years so for me its just normal) so I don't think I can help with that. Also what's up with just killed players bodies moving so much there? Is it intended? It looks like it happens to moving enemies even on flat ground. Im pretty sure it doesn't happen so much on server with build v2.76-1002-g588e294. EDIT: After a second, I think it could be bot related actually.
  6. I see its smaller and a bit transparent so for me it feels already much better as it doesn't look so out of place and doesn't obscure vision too much anymore.
  7. I know right? Probably someone jealous about my skills Definitely there is a problem sometimes where it takes several tries to pick a different eligible weapon from the ground. Also correct me if I'm wrong but I think it was and probably still is present in vanilla ET, at least ETPro. I haven't seen anything regarding this issue but I might have just missed it. If I get into this situation again I will save a demo and report it if I won't find anything about it.
  8. With regards to syringe accuracy I haven't noticed anything out of ordinary except two cases: It can be difficult to hit with syringe when trying to revive without teamkill, which is a new mechanic. I don't have any examples for this since it's has been some time since I last played on main TM server, but its pretty common and I don't know if it's intended or not. The hitbox seems rather small, and it seems like you can't revive while moving? not really sure. Enemy player corpse, gibbed or not is blocking the revive hitbox. You can still find an angle that will work so it's not guaranteed that someone will come to this conclusion in the middle of action. I think especially when corpses don't need to overlap each other perfectly. I had a clear case of this yesterday in which I got laughed at :d https://streamable.com/b5vckh. This issue is reported though https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/issues/1418 I didn't see anyone here mention neither of these situations, so maybe there is a chance that some of the complains about syringe accuracy are related? Or maybe everyone knows about it and just omitted it knowingly just like I did since I joined the forum.
  9. I know that ET kinda always had problems with hitboxes and hit registration (and it can look even worse in replays) and I will go off-topic here but yesterday I had a funny/sad situation and its about hitboxes anyway. https://streamable.com/wux7fb Im not the best aimer by any means but sometimes I feel like on top of it I get cases like this where you feel you should hit but don't and they are not so clear to see like here in the video. As I said I always thought in ET situations like that are rather common place and I was fine with it, because I love this game anyway but I just wanted to share :p
  10. Yes it gives advantage to those that turn it off because their vision is not obscured by explosions, but turning them off always felt right for me because they always looked out of place and the game feels better without them. Grenades however are not so bad, and I think I could maybe get used to them. Grenade now: Grenade before: Airstrike: Airstrike is huge, 2D and on my settings seems to act like a flash grenade, just ugly and disturbing all around. In the end it's just all my preference to not see those sometime huge bright explosions and instead small traces of them. Also on Legacy airstrike has now visible bombs droping so it also negated advantage to having cg_wolfparticles enabled because it was hard to know which direction the bombs will drop with particles off. Before you could only tell by following explosions (if you dont know the position of fops).
  11. This is terrible news! I've been playing with them off for years. In my preference they are super ugly and add too much clutter on the screen especially on a server with huge spam of arty, airstrike, mortar and grenades which is a common place on main server.
  12. Oh hello there. Me work, me sleep, me eat and sometimes me play ET all on repeat.
  13. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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