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Everything posted by mAikL

  1. Hi, Yes Benz and Porsche coming from here.. but Audi is from Ingolstadt Bavaria
  2. Hello everybody, I'm Mike aka. b00n I am 47 years old and come from the Stuttgart region in Germany. I am married and work in warehouse logistics. Since 1999 I have been playing various games off and online and have a few more ambitious and less ambitious clans behind me see link. After almost 6 years I wanted to play some ET again because it doesn't work so well technically and because of short-time work I have a lot of time See you on the battlefield;)
  3. mAikL

    New server

    thanks .. try it next days
  4. mAikL

    New server

    Is it Possible play ob ETL with normal ETPro or need to Download ETL Game ?
  5. thanks
  6. yes Long long time ago :...(
  7. Hey Thank u
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