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About WuTangH

  • Birthday 03/01/1996

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    Sailin the Seas of Cheese

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  1. I built an example with two masks from the goldrush pack that you posted. Theres instructions file, too. Hope it helps. levelshots_example.zip
  2. You can change the levelshot image on fly with a remapshader command in mapscripts. This way it would be possible to change colors on capturable spawns on various events like destroying Oasis wall, for example. http://games.chruker.dk/enemy_territory/scripting_reference.php#models_and_texture_related A simple example of changing oasis minimap to radars would look like this: remapshader levelshots/oasis_cc_trans levelshots/radar_cc_trans remapshader levelshots/oasis_cc_automap levelshots/radar_cc_automap remapshaderflush Remapshaderflush executes the shader change, so you need to always add it in the end. And the 1st shader is always the original one, no matter how many times you change it. Also, if you create a compressed TGA with just spawnareas and blank/black background, you can save some filesize. You will need to blend it through shader with original map image then. Those levelshot shaders would look something like this then: spawnareas/oasis_cc_automap { nopicmip nocompress nomipmaps { clampmap levelshots/oasis_cc.tga depthFunc equal rgbGen identity } { clampmap levelshots/spawn_mask.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity alphaGen vertex } } spawnareas/oasis_cc_trans { nopicmip nocompress nomipmaps { clampmap levelshots/oasis_cc.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity alphaGen vertex } { clampmap levelshots/spawn_mask.tga blendfunc blend rgbGen identity alphaGen vertex } } .. "spawn_mask.tga" would be the transparent image with spawn locations.
  3. Hey guys! This player kept camping with Browning, shooting us throught covert/tank smokes or bushes whole map. I realized that after I went covert op and he always immediatly saw me on long distances thru smokes. So I took a demo last minutes of the map. It isnt long, but generally things start happening after 2:40 maptime to the end. 1. Players name: Muxer (from Poland)2. Server: TeamMuppet ETLegacy3. Demo: 2021-12-31-004901-caen2.dm_84 4. Reason: maybe WH.. or something else WuTango
  4. Ey! Thanks for the warm welcome
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