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Posts posted by _Ler

  1. Froggy, the popup config is client game config, doesn't get affected by server settings.


    For a default popup messages on left side, check your config has the following cvars:


    cg_popupFilter 0

    cg_popupStayTime 2000

    cg_popupTime 0

    cg_popupFadeTime 2500


    If you get them working with these settings, you can tweak how fast they dissapear decreasing stayTime and increasing fadeTime.


    Popup filter lets you show less info: https://etlegacy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cvars.html#cg-popupfilter

    • Thanks 1
  2. Check if you have that folder inside any mod folder. When you click mods it probably scans the whole homepath folder looking for mod names and also files with special characters like é or ~


    Probably you're not opening ETL as admin so it tries to remove the folder but is not allowed to...

  3. They all should, if they can't handle it they shouldn't be that level.


    Kickvote is harder to have it passed because only people on same team can vote, the dude is constantly changing teams and names, people won't know how to do /callvote <playerID> and the wrong player will be kicked, you have to write a brand new log system to control who calls a vote when....

    • Like 2
  4. I agree with you that rushing maps is annoying, but the thing has been said already, when this happens it's just because axis (or defending team) don't do well on defending obj.

    100% objective players have the same rights to play their way as 100% frag players or 100% bazooka players

  5. There is a modified version of bremen called bremen_truckmod that I believe it's the same as bremen_final but with destroyable truck. In the mapscript you can put more health to the truck so it's more difficult to be damaged. I believe if you manage to play with globalaccums you can set a different health for each part of the truck run (maybe set 9999 health at beginning, 2000 after barrier 1 and 1050 or less after barrier 2)


    But my guess is that from bremen_final you can't make destroyable truck, at least I tried it and I couldn't find the way. I guess the model properties have to be changed in the map itself and can't be modified by mapscript, or I guess I don't know enough scripting :(


    Same for CP, it's the neutral cp used, so both teams can build it. Unless you try removing all the script for axis CP, and it stays with the neutral model but only allies can build it... You could try and see


    Goldrush: in my experience if you are engineer you have to take it easy otherwise you'll be bald at a young age, if you manage to get past all the enemy flamer, nades, landmines, mortar.... you'll get the final hit of your death by friendly arty, flamer, bazooka, thompson.... Even if you have a strong team and manage to steal both golds, there is a high chance for axis to stop it (engi can sneak and make second barrier, they can spam nades to truck, landmines...)

    About supply depot: how many times do allies capture flag before destroying main gate? It's way easiser to plant dyna down and let the script capture the spawn for you that trying to capture...


    Maps are biased for defending team in servers like teammuppet with high amount of players, all you have to do is wait and click as defender, the choke points are 99% for attacking team (Caen2 for axis is RIP....)

    So in the end, the best option will be to enforce defending players to play some time in attacking teams (and disabling mortar, always :D )



  6. I don't think that could be coded like that, don't think there is a way to know if player has mortar set or not, maybe i'm wrong. Maybe using the spawn area boundaries coded by hazz to add fake roofs as in pirates allied first spawn, so mortar is blocked to and from there.

    Other options coul be: limiting the energy bar (so less shots by time unit), weaking the shell damage and/or radius...

  7. Hey,

    I would add on these three, one thing that I've suggested in the past:

    Based on third suggestion, and always based on some admins argument that 'they want to play and not be babysitting', simplify the spawnkill rules:

    • In situations where spawn is a flag, but it's mostly permanent for a team, don't treat it as capturable because most of the time it's owned by a team (example: et_beach allied spawn on flag).
    • CP spawns, treat it as capturable or not, but the same for all maps, don't have different rules for each
    • If you really want to simplify, make sk a standard (example: 1000 radius for small spawn areas, 5000 for bigger spawn areas, this is just random numbers, but could be done)
    • In maps where one team can have advantage of mortar placing it near spawn exits or inaccesible areas for enemies, disable mortar for both teams or punish the mortar with advantage. Example of this was pirates map, fortunately they are disabled now, another example i've just seen is in supply depot, axis mortar between the 2 axis spawnexits, if you want to get him by mortar you have high chances of getting kicked for sk
    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, uips said:

    The map is so complicated from map and script perspective, a lot of work put into this. i found out that tank has rear and front armor when checking the script. I dont know how many times axis win by destroying tank, but id call it "noobproofing", if the gun controls would work like venice AT gun, imagine map ending in venice after tank gets destroyed by AT gun several times, Maybe a good feature if u want the map to end? :D

    Tank has 100 life, every front shot takes out 10% of life and back shots (as it's supposed to have fuel tanks behind) takes 20% of life.

    I think as it's part of the game, it should be like this. You can make it more difficult to have gun controls repaired, in the line 1240 of the script you have the constructible variables


    		wait 100
    		constructible_class 3
    	//	constructible_health 300
    	//	constructible_chargebarreq 1.5
    	//	constructible_constructxpbonus 10
    	//	constructible_destructxpbonus 10
    		followspline 0 path_00 10000 wait length -64

    You can put less health (uncomment the line ofc) so it's easier to have it destroyed, or make it use lot more of chargebar (so more engis needed ot more time) and even set the time of the construction to be made with constructible_duration <value in miliseconds>

    That would be the easiest thing to begin with trying stuff.... Also add more arty (reduce airstrikes / arty for this map only),


    Second best thing imo would be to delay the time before axis can shot the gun, probably not easy to do... don't know how it works

    You can halve the damage by duplicating the bits in the accum 2 in at_gun_target in line 846, for this easiest would be to have the trigger_damagecheck  increasing the bits on the trigger... like from

    	trigger damagecheck
    		accum 1 abort_if_equal 1
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 0 at_gun_target damage_XX
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 1 at_gun_target damage_90
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 2 at_gun_target damage_80
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 3 at_gun_target damage_70
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 4 at_gun_target damage_60
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 5 at_gun_target damage_50
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 6 at_gun_target damage_40
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 7 at_gun_target damage_30
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 8 at_gun_target damage_20
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 9 at_gun_target damage_10
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 10 at_gun_target damage_00
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 11 at_gun_target damage_end
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 12 at_gun_target damage_end

    To this:

    	trigger damagecheck
    		accum 1 abort_if_equal 1
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 0 at_gun_target damage_XX
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 2 at_gun_target damage_90
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 3 at_gun_target damage_80
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 4 at_gun_target damage_70
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 5 at_gun_target damage_60
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 6 at_gun_target damage_50
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 7 at_gun_target damage_40
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 8 at_gun_target damage_30
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 9 at_gun_target damage_20
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 10 at_gun_target damage_10
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 11 at_gun_target damage_00
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 12 at_gun_target damage_end
    		accum 2 trigger_if_equal 13 at_gun_target damage_end

    This would make 5% DMG shots (or 20% if it hits behind). Would only show the message once every 2 shots, and if you increase another number would be 2.5% DMG per shot...


    I have no idea if this works like this or needs something else to be changed somewhere else, have fun testing :)


    Edit: actually I dn't know if it will work, it's supposed to disable the tank every 2 hits, but dunno if all the logistics behind moving the AT and enabling fire would work only with this change.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jessica said:

    I would love some comments like : Oh thats a great idea to try. Lets try it for 1 week :)

    @MiniMuppet Is it even possible to change this ? And is it done easy, or is it a big change ?

    you can't do that with the current (or future) map vote system. that's why you won't hear any comment about trying it


    IMO you guys should focus on keep a healthy teams and more mid-size and big maps, or apply weapon restrictions to small maps instead of 20v20 special delivery-style maps.


    Server has become unplayable with the voicechat flooding, team stacking, and mortar freaks mortaring on the sk line, fix that first then maybe people wanna play different maps.

  10. Hello :)

    A small gift for you guys lovers of baserace, done by one baserace hater. To celebrate my 1-year badge, I've fixed the mapscript so when time is out the team ahead will win, or it'll be a tie, but map will end.

    No more infinite maptime, no more free SR for axis.

    And for the freaks who wanna know how I did it, it's simple: the script was missing the timelimit_hit trigger :D

    Also, I copied from other mapscripts (darji2 to be precise).

    So, you have to set always a winner (axis or allies) at beginning of the game, otherwise the game gets stuck in 0:00 timelimit.

    		// Winner on expiration of round timer (0=Axis, 1=Allies)
    		wm_setwinner	0

    Then in game_manager there is a trigger called timelimit_hit that, guess what, it triggers when timelimit is hit. There we should add all the logic to find the winner, but the baserace script has already another trigger called 'findwinner' so it makes life easier:


    	trigger timelimit_hit
    		trigger game_manager findwinner

    And last, is to add one line into 'findwinner' script:  wm_setwinner -1 ("it's a tie!" when the other 2 conditions don't apply)

    	trigger findwinner
    		wm_setwinner -1
    		accum 3 abort_if_equal 0
    		wm_setwinner 1
    		accum 3 abort_if_greater_than -1
    		wm_setwinner 0


    That's it, enjoy baserace_desert for the rest of your life :D




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  11. The idea is, even if in photoshop it's low quality but in game it's seen decent, and areas can be marked and they're still being seen in the map/minimap, why not give it a try?


    Other question is the colors the devs used to draw the map, that's why maybe the borders around the marking would be a thing to try, also depending on the map use different colors (with a legend on a side)

  12. Hello guys, I will try to share my thoughts about what has been written here.


    First of all, to success in this you (as clan) should have a clear definition of what is SK and what not. It's been 20 years since TM exists so I guess you all have a clear idea of how you want to manage SK in your servers but some maps have special spawns and should have special rules, but they don't atm because it would make your job harder (and I understand that). Example: et_beach flag spawn is the whole map capturable, so you can SK with heavy. Yet it has only 1 effective exit towards objective and is a small, normal-sized door (2 players can't go through at the same time). So it sometimes (most of the times tbh) it gets unplayable. I think some maps should be reviewed and have special spawnkill rules, or just find modifications (in beach case, there is a mapscript around that makes spawn flag non capturable after being held for 2 minutes by allies. Also a second spawn when allies have CP).


    Having the rules clear I procceed to comment on what's been said:



    The diagrams on the forums and the changes to the in-game maps MUST be consistent otherwise we now have two potentially conflicting rules.

    Agree with this, but once you have the map TGA done it would be easy to update the forum images and even make new ones with some red/yellow overlay that makes it 'clearer'.



    Minimap is where I taught its gonna be. Can we make minimap bigger so it would be easier to determine where the line of allowed/not allowed actually is? 

    Minimap is an 'addon' of the map, it uses same TGA as limbo map (if I'm not wrong). Minimap settings are user-side, you can't force a player to have a minimap size (some even don't have minimap on HUD). But painting the map TGA would be enough to have it shown in minimap.



    Also who is going to make all the maps? who is going to make map for the maps when we change them? we won't just be able to add maps when we feel like it we will have to wait for the maps to be done. We would also need to discuss every spawn killing point on every map before they are made.

    This is what I was talking about. Before implementing it all, it would be needed to discuss what you are to consider sk and what not, and maybe even considering bigger areas from what it's now accepted as non-spawn area. Example: Pirates behind bridge. Sometimes it's impossible to play because even if spawn is protected by fake roof, you can't even get to the bridge or tunnel entrance without being killed or left with very low HP.



    Ok made Goldrush as 1st. Please share your feedback.

    The image looks great, I would only add a border (blue/dark gray) to the areas, to be clear that they are an overlay and not a map 'feature' (especially with yellow). Also as Jessica says, a legend in bottom-right corner would be good to explain the colors (bottom-right because it's closest to team selection - only pros with team binds won't see it)

    Problem comes with this:


    1. When capturable
    2. When fixed ( Wall is blown in oasis for example )

    The example given, oasis Old City spawn:

    • It starts as axis and is capturable, so you can as allies attack the flag with everything except mortar (yellow area)
    • Once old city wall is destroyed, flag dissapears and spawn becomes red area

    As map image, as far as i know, can't be updated live, you only can solve this by adding another color (and actually it's a bigger area in this case), and add it to the legend. And that, if not done well, might be confusing.




    As an addon, someone proposed in discord an anti-SK lua script, done originally for etpro servers. https://github.com/x0rnn/etpro/blob/master/lua/ETWsk.lua

    It makes an sphere from a point given, and if played is killed inside that sphere the killer is put spec (or kicked after X spawnkills). If this can be adapted to legacy mod, it could be implemented with the 'red zones', so the admins would have more time to play only care about orange-yellow areas.


    Don't know if it helped much, but that's what I have to say for now :)

  13. et_beach update

    This update fixes the console spam by two missing files: mortar_exp03.wav and mortar_exp04.wav.

    It removes the 7 target_speaker  entities referencing these sounds.

    The mortars still land on the beach and gameplay is not affected.

    The code to do it is simple:

    			origin "-704 3624 304"
    			origin "-2368 1792 128"
    			origin "-2368 2520 128"
    			origin "-360 1376 304"
    			origin "640 2264 416"
    			origin "488 472 464"
    			origin "-2024 3824 128"

    I've added it to the mapscript file in the post above with the window blocking and mg removal. feel free to add it to server :)






    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  14.  Hello,

    I think it's better to make a new topic with all the mapscript stuff related, so it's easier to find in a future and to propose / fix / improve the scripts :)


    Main problem in Caen2 was that there are no sounds (flag captured / tank repaired / tank damaged / bridge repaired / bridge damaged). A simple fix was to find all caen2_ and replace by caen_ as in this example:

    wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen2_axis_city_capture"
    wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen2_axis_tank_steal"
    Replace by 
    wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_city_capture"
    wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_tank_steal"

    This solves all problems except the 'flag captured' sound, as there is actually no 'flag captured' sound in the map. To fix this and have some audio feedback when axis / allies capture the flag, without modifying the pk3 file, what I think is best is to add the generic 'objective captured / objective lost' sound when axis or allies capture flag.

    To do this, we must add to the mapscript these lines:

    • Inside trigger axis_capture:
    wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_captured"
    wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_lost"
    • Inside trigger allies_capture:
    wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_lost"
    wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_captured"

    So both triggers would look like this:

    	trigger axis_capture	// Flag has been touched by an Axis player
    		accum 0 abort_if_equal 0 // do Axis own flag?
    		accum 0 set 0 // Axis own the pole
    		wm_announce	"Axis captured the town!"
                    // *----------------------------------- vo ------------------------------------------*
                    wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_city_capture"
                    wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 1 "caen_allies_city_capture"
                    wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_captured"
                    wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_lost"
                    // *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
                    wm_objective_status 		1 0 1
    		wm_objective_status 		1 1 2
                    wm_set_main_objective 2 0
    		wm_set_main_objective 2 1
                    alertentity city_wobj
    	trigger allied_capture	// Flag has been touched by an allied player
    		accum 0 abort_if_equal 1 // do Allies own flag?
    		accum 0 set 1 // Allied own the flag
    		wm_announce	"Allies reclaim the town!"
                    // *----------------------------------- vo ------------------------------------------*
                    wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_city_capture"
                    wm_addteamvoiceannounce 1 "caen_allies_city_capture"
                    wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_lost"
                    wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_captured"
                    // *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
                    wm_objective_status 		1 0 2
    		wm_objective_status 		1 1 1
                    wm_set_main_objective 1 0
    		wm_set_main_objective 1 1
    		alertentity city_wobj

    With this, I think all sounds would be fixed and have a 'flag status audio feedback'.



    Beach has a big problem with spawnkilling on axis bunker so an idea was to make invisible walls in both windows that lead to spawn, and also to remove both MGs so axis can't take advantage from them.

    So the job was done by looking into the et_beach.bsp file for the origin coordinates of MG42 and using the func_fakebrush in the mapscript:

    /// Invisible walls in Axis spawn windows
    	origin "2365 3168 1176" // Removes upper MG42
    	origin "2334 2656 920" // Removes lower MG42
    // Create fake wall in uper window
      scriptName "roof_bugfix"
      classname "func_fakebrush"
      origin "2345 3166 1170"
      contents 1  // CONTENTS_SOLID
      mins "-15 -200 -60"
      maxs "20 200 100"
    // Create fake wall in lower window
      scriptName "roof_bugfix"
      classname "func_fakebrush"
      origin "2334 2656 920"
      contents 1  // CONTENTS_SOLID
      mins "-15 -200 -60"
      maxs "5 200 100"
    /// End invisible walls

    These are tweaked to be 'indise' the window space so players don't get bugged into the fake wall, but can't test alone the explosions (how explosion range from panzer/mortar would affect). Can be modified in a future if needed.

    Attached you will see the mapscript files with the modifications described above. These files are based in the original script files included in the pk3 so they don't include any modification from base maps except the ones described in this topic.


    Any suggestions and improvements are welcome, also from other maps if you'd like some modification, I'm no pro but I can do some research :)


    et_beach.script caen2.script

    • Like 3
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    • TeamMuppet coin 5
  15. Hello,

    I've reviewed the demos and I don't see anything out of normal.

    You say you have this problem since 3-4 months, and that is a coincidence with last ETL release (2.77.1 released 17/03 and 2.77 28/02) and that also is a coincidence with the TM server running the latest build of server binaries as far as I know.


    So my suggestion would be to try the latest client version (2.77.1) if you odn't have it, or try a previous version (2.76 and 2.75 still work perfect for me) and check if you notice any improvement


    Also make a full clean install (remove the 'local' folder of etlegacy with all maps and everything except your etkey etc) Also try if you haven't yet with the /r_primitives 2 thing

  16. It's been ages since I used Windows as base system (actually windows 7 was my last win). But configuring one laptop for my sister I noticed they have some kind of P2P sharing for their windows updates.

    In English it's called "Delivery Optimisation" under settings -> windows updates -> advanced options. Make sure it's off


    Also I would try just disabling WUpdate (and Cortana why not) services and give it a try.

  17. Nevermind. Just add this line before the 'create' part:

                origin "2365 3168 1176"

    So it would be something like this:


        /// Invisible wall in Axis spawn window - Needs to be tested more for explosions
        /// _Ler. 08 June 2021
                origin "2365 3168 1176"

               scriptName "roof_bugfix"
               classname "func_fakebrush"
               origin "2345 3166 1170"
               contents 1  // CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
               mins "-15 -200 -60"
               maxs "35 200 60"
        /// End invisible wall

    And it will remove the MG42 :)

    As I said on previous post, the lower part will be made nextweek ;)

    • Thanks 2
  18. 23 hours ago, Bomba said:

    Great job! But it seems that the mg in upper  bunker is still usable and cannot be hit from outside anymore. That makes it real though for allies to kill the mg guy. Can we remove the mg or block it somehow?

    I knew about this. To remove it we need the exact coordinates (I need to check through the BSP file) or make the wall wider so you can't reach the MG. I'm still on my holidays but I'll have some time next week to check it out (monday/tuesday)

    I tried to destroy the MG in my demo server with bazooka and it worked (so you can't hit the player but you can damage it)


    Next week I'll try to remove the MGs and also block the lower wall, and update this post with new scripts :)

  19. 	/// Invisible wall in Axis spawn window - Needs to be tested more for explosions
    	/// _Ler. 08 June 2021
    		   scriptName "roof_bugfix"
    		   classname "func_fakebrush"
    		   origin "2345 3166 1170"
    		   contents 1  // CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP
    		   mins "-15 -200 -60"
    		   maxs "35 200 60"
    	/// End invisible wall

    In case you have modified mapscript the code above must be placed at beginning of the mapscript file, right after the spawn (check file attached, it's original mapscript form et_beach.pk3)



    Forgot to say:

    -There is a video on Discord channel to see how it works

    - It needs a bit more testing (some SK tests with mortar and panzer to check how it works with explosion range)

    - It's only the upper window, lower window needs to be made (but i can't test or do anything until next week)


    • Thanks 1
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