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Everything posted by Popper

  1. grazie @Jessica. lo spero. Può darsi ma non ricordo le 3 uccisione. Forse mi sbagli. Ciao!
  2. with all the love one can have: either you are severely short-sighted, or you are a hater or you are a good-for-nothing... the motivation was absolutely specious...
  3. Dear @Froggy, You misrepresented my sense of humor. I am sorry. It wasn't an anti-German stereotype (never!) it was just bringing back, as it is in reality, a peculiarity - that of being extremely rigid and severe - about the Germans. History books teach us this, from the Prussian Empire up until a few decades ago. Certainly today, with the melting pot, especially of Turkish origin, all this can be reconsidered. Reading your first post, you seemed 'excessive', precisely rigid, in wanting to underline "something", without there really being a need. That's all! Happy Life @French pie, You hope well! Keep an eye on me, anyway 😉😊
  4. @Froggy, come on! A little softness, an ironic sense... a nice ride on a Vespa around Grenoble to shake off this rigidity that I used to know only from the Germans... have a nice day!
  5. Hi Jessica, yes I had read them but I was in competitive trans! Ah the smell of napalm....anyway you know I'm a good boy! Good evening!
  6. Hi Jessica, yes I had read them but I was in competitive trans! Ah the smell of napalm....anyway you know I'm a good boy! Good evening!
  7. Hi Jessica, yes I had read them but I was in competitive trans! Ah the smell of napalm....anyway you know I'm a good boy! Good evening!
  8. Can some TM member with a noble and kind soul give me the pardon and re-admit me from the automatic ban? Thanks to the Brave Knight!
  9. Hi all, unfortunately I have not had any replies. Where can I convey failing to access Discord channel (I wrote pvt to Arnaud but still no results). Thank you!
  10. I tried but it doesn't open the game, maybe because I don't log in through Steam, non riconosce l'Ip originale del profilo...?
  11. Hello everyone! I connected my computer to another wi-fi line but ET can't find any server. What should I do? Thank you
  12. Hi, I play in Legacy mode. I noticed that from pressing the 'r' key to reload, when the weapon is ready to fire again (usually I use FG42 but also others) it takes about 3 seconds. Not having any graphical slowdown in the game (for example in individual or environmental movements). I just have to check that I have the advanced skills with light weapons, but I think I have them... I was hoping there might be a command to be able to reload automatically, I didn't find it in the settings... thanks in the meantime.
  13. Hi all, I find the reloading of the weapon very slow, isn't there a way to reload it automatically without key input? Or is there a way to make it ready before 3 seconds? Tnks
  14. dear, i was banned again for a very long time, because such a noob complained about pushing but his being in the theater of war was really unbelievable...but how is this possible?! I can't believe it!Should I play Bubble Bubble on the Commodore64?Help me...this is manic schizophrenia


  15. Dearest Jessica, with your way of doing you demonstrate the Wisdom of those who understand .... "When the wise man points to the moon, the fool looks at the finger" recites a proverb of controversial origin. The meaning is clear: we must not stop at the surface of things, of events, but grasp their depth, their truth. simply: tnks u p
  16. Guys, I respect the sanction that makes sense when it is imposed, however in addition to the certified data, common sense should in my opinion be used. "Dura lex, sed lex" but so true when the Legislator asks the application to maintain "Common Sense". I believe that the sanction, albeit fair, is extremely unbalanced and not commensurate with the infraction... in any case, sincerely. Poppers
  17. Help TM! Please, please, someone angry in trans competition banned me for 604800 seconds. I believe it was an extremely severe decision, given the reasons - sk - completely real being a map where the sk is borderline. Thank you to anyone who will listen to my cry for help!
  18. Hello! I can't find how to adjust the zoom of my sniper rifle in the settings. I changed the settings and the scroll of the mouse is not avable now as command ... which voice can be inserted? can you help me? THANK YOU!🆘
  19. I put it into ETMAIN...That's OK! TNKS
  20. thanks! Although it's not clear to me where to drop the auoexec.cfg file once downloaded. in which folder of Et? Waiting for yours
  21. Hello everyone, can you please recommend me the best settings - option, system - to improve playability (mouse sensitivity, deletion of details that slow down etc..? I reinstalled ET and I lost all the old settings. Is there a video tutorial or a useful link to be able to fix?Thanks
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