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Everything posted by unsigned

  1. that's fair, it was my bad, so apology. I shouldn't have been doing it. I would have thought that multiple exits means it would be more allowed. I'll be more careful in future or give the mortar a break.
  2. That's fair, but it's upsetting when it's clearly not intentional. I guess I'll have to be more careful, but no way the mortar damage would transfer to anywhere past the door of the building closest to Axis.
  3. Hi all, Apologies to make this my first post on the forum, but I'm confused about this matter. I was playing Bremen as Allies today, and using the mortar from allies spawn. I was shooting it in the parts dotted green. The Axis spawn is in red. Earlier in the map, I got two automated warnings about spawn kill/damage - this is fair. So I aimed where I thought it would be safe; that broken building with the wooden upper floor. Surely this is not spawn, right? For some reason, I got kicked for 900 sec/15 min because of using the mortar there. However as you know this is some distance from spawn, and if shooting onto the upper floor of the broken building, you would have to leave spawn in order to get there. Now, imagine if I went on top of that broken building with a panzerfaust. I think if I used it, this would not be considered SK. I am happy to show you on the map in So is this area spawnkill or not? If so, why is it? Axis are shielded by the walls of the building so damage to their actual spawn should be zero. Can you draw on this map using GIMP or something to show what is *not* spawnkill? Was this automated, or did an admin simply get angry that I killed 3 people there? I have also drawn in green the places where my mortar rounds hit on a picture of the map. Is this *seriously* considered axis spawn? Thanks.
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