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Everything posted by klokk

  1. klokk

    sk guy

    no sk
  2. Guys, see you in 280 days or tomorrow. #prachard #pasta #hihifromhungaryhasWH

  3. not allowed :io
  4. klokk

    pc update

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-4GB-2x-2GB-PC2-6400-DDR2-800-800-Mhz-240-pin-DIMM-Memory-For-AMD-CPU-Chipset-/151342735977 If i were u id buy it second handed since theres no reason paying extra for something that does not worn. PC parts prices go down quickly when theres new tech avi. Just look for "4gb 800mhz ddr2". Any brand will do okay most of them them are build from same memory blocks just branded differently and with fancy names and colors... wooooooo. I'd go for cheap 2 x 2gb making it total 6gb. As for gpu. Theres no reason putting nice highed tech there since cpu will be bottleneck. I would invest something like 40-50 £ max to gpu, ud get like 6850 1gb second hand ofc. All this depends on your PSU whether it will be able to provide enough power or not. If u need to upgrade ur PSU aswell.. imo its more wise to save up some money and buy new decent pc than putting money to something so old.
  5. disable hacks, join ts.
  6. klokk

    ehhh lol

    It is uplaoded to reddit to already, no worries.
  7. This is open request on ET PLAYERS I play with. I got new new TS channel, play with me serious videogames one day. xxx

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VeryDead


      im ready for some super serious videogaming...

    3. klokk


      Giveway has been done. Contrats to winner!

    4. klokk


      Thanks for all the great intrest. Looking forward to roll with ya all!

  8. klokk


    If u want good sound quality you want headphones. If u want good mic you want to headset.
  9. You can also get better picture just by modifing config.
  10. Aspect Ratio5:4 Native Resolution1280 x 1024 at 75.0 Hz You need bigger monitor to use such high resolutions. With this one 1280x1024 is max.
  11. Since you guys hate mortar so much, this is me mortaring rl, http://imgur.com/8nd9cUe

    1. klokk


      (Ok, few else rounds MIGHT have landed there other than my hits)

    2. s05aa


      mortarcam for sure

    3. klokk


      I could post few but since top secret material I am unable to!

  12. klokk

    PC dont accept new RAM

    Why did u only buy one stick? Always use sticks in pairs (dual channel: orange and black colored sockets) it gives small speed boost. You can try switching the slots. Try running only the new one to know if ur mb even supports the brand. Also updating bios could help.
  13. Never really seen mortar as a problem. Just ran by if someone shoot there (spawnshield). If spawnshield gone away wait till one hits ground then run. Common sense. Nowadays most of them do show the place to shoot. Just point a place from map and press shoot. Machine calculates the angles and which cartridge is needed. Of course if you use 10 years old tech then no but who uses that anyways (poor finns). You should try. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRtpYYWHkfQ#t=116
  14. klokk

    Fraps & ET

    You guys sick!
  15. My buddy Seven Oaks shall kick your asses.
  16. panza is good. gogo.
  17. Server kept randomly (sometimes after 3 sec sometimes 3 mins) kicking me for saying invalid guid. Gladly I didn't lag.
  18. Sharing is caring
  19. password i gave is for
  20. tmprivatepro
  21. 4 you mean.
  22. as-salamu alaykum

    1. serayha


      Wa alaykumu s-salam

  23. Sunday is no go for me. Why didnt we vote for the date.
  24. FINtards super-special-ultra-megasome-team is still in need of (i think) one heavy drinker.
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