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Baz last won the day on March 14 2024

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  1. A bit late to this one, but I find the game a lot better to play without medics being able to self heal. There will always be rambo medics to some extent but the changes make it harder for them to act like that. It does appear to instil some more team play, admittedly sometimes only between the two medics on a team (healing each other etc), rather than just fragging (although I have seen that still). Make them easier to kill imo and thus a fairer game. As abve comments - I'm glad the changes were made 😀
  2. Hi, I've attached a demo of the player 'Wagnergroup' who was on the ET:Beginners server this morning from about 8:20 UTC. Map was Radar. I was the only one on there at the time and became suspicious when they were quickly killing all of the bots and myself with quick succession. I went to spec and could see their very quick and precise aiming so recorded the demo. Please can you look in to this and see what you think? They got a frag record too. Thanks Baz Baz.dm_84
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