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c4ps last won the day on January 10

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  1. i had no part in this mate (/joking 😜 )
  2. @jessica , this was the person who said he also hacked i guess remember ?
  3. I just said you can be annoying with your spam, if you like to play mortar/mg/whatever due to your handicap it is your choice, its a class that is available i don't think you are boring, or a bad player. you're smart were you take place and use the MG par example .. just don't follow matuuuu and dimitriDC1 in their annoying spam chat shit , have a good day!
  4. This guy can be VERY annoying, like spamming *oops* every minute, the WHOLE map long. Yesterday he did it again, matuuuuuuuu follows it ofcourse, because if there is a way to be annoying, matuu jumps on it, matuu gets kicked by vote (luckely) en ofcourse dimitriiic1 needs to fullfill the twat role.
  5. On certain maps (ex. Bremen_truckmod) the limit in rnaders is still not enough, you can ask Flo & EBO. as allied you take the flag, and if you wanne go for side, holy shit nade spam en rnade spam to the max. 1 time i played it in the evening and the next day I woke up, still waiting till the nade storm was over
  6. Hey Stumpel, I think you're missing Kevlar's point, he just wants the part of the heavy weapons discussed here, you are giving possibilities what could of what could not happen if these HW going to be limited.. The most who backup Kev's idea are playing daily on ETL1, I don't think I see you often there ? Or I am blind tho ^^. But please, if anyone knows whats he talking about, its Kevlar. I trust the man 100% that he has the best intentions for the servers, our clan and al the rest
  7. i know the answer is no, but imo ban al de heavy weapons ^^
  8. If you think you can win an argument or something you disagree with this mindset, well I suppose life will have a lot of surprises for you in the future ^^
  9. Welcome 😃
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