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Everything posted by harald

  1. How about making the etpro server an ETTV server? I can add a broadcasting/recording hub, so players dont need to record demos themselves.
  2. lol gl to klokk @ 3v3 with this team (no disrespect)
  3. http://codepad.org/AbAj5TFU Just edit the 10 in line 16 (max = 10;) to the number you want, and it'll give you a randomized list of numbers from 1 to the given max (both included). For all the codemonkeys on here, I'm sure there are more efficient ways to write this, but didn't feel like going any deeper into this
  4. Well, I got a similar problem, but I know what causes the problem. My driver has difficulties rendering fog. On the etpub server r_wolffog is forced to 0, so it's no issue there, but for example on the silent server I get terrible fps. Your driver probably has difficulties rendering some graphics that are shown around players, or the players themselves (good fps with low amount of players, since cpu can tak over render calculations, but not for high amount of players since cpu is a lot slower). Only solution is to change vid drivers or get a new gfx card.
  5. well, some players like it, but i definitely wont be joining it
  6. I think itll be hard to get over 2/3 teams for 6v6. Im up for the 3v3 tournament.
  7. My best guess: your gfx card driver has no way (or a very slow 1) to render the explosions/bullets. If it can't render them, the fast GPU can't be used and the slower CPU has to be used. Solution is to disable all explosions, bullet impact marks, etc. If you didn't have this problem before, it could be a bug in an update of your gfx driver. It could be tons of other things I can't come up with now
  8. harald

    Skins in ET

    only server can, but even for color blind people, it should be quite easy to make up the difference, since axis are darker than allies (black vs light brown)
  9. Just don't go spec right after a suspicious player kills you, no need to say anything, but do it on a moment where the suspicious player is nowhere near you. He probably won't even notice. A lot of hacks show (or even disable themselves) when theyre being specced.
  10. harald


    did you install patch 2.60 before installing 2.60b?
  11. if its just a skin pack, you could place it in the etmain folder instead of in the fs_game folder, so the download is not done automatically. people could then download the skin pack from the website and place it in their own etmain folder. only those people would have the skin pack. if its a real mod, this ofc will not work
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