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Everything posted by fratske

  1. Hi guys, A player reached out to me on discord called 'ddd' he had this to say ddd331 — Today at 10:56 i got banned previously coz of ddd coz i play 1 v 1 and 3 o 3 [10:56] with this name [10:56] sometimes i forget to renmae [10:56] so i took the ban okay np [10:56] but later i changed my name to flex [10:56] and i got banned without any warn for a year [10:56] how is that fair fratske — Today at 10:56 doesnt seem fair ddd331 — Today at 10:57 i have been banned just coz i connected as 'ddd' [10:57] obv i play 3 o 3 with that name [10:57] and whiole im trying to rename ddd331 — Today at 10:57 before i could i got banned ddd331 — Today at 10:57 i had a go with the guy who banned me previously while i was gonna rename myself [10:57] and then when i used flex [10:58] i abused him on discord privately and rightly so man [10:58] its tilting [10:58] im getting bans for no reasons... [10:58] this guy baned me for a year [10:58] this jessica guy can jessica or someone else that knows something about it clarify what happened?
  2. most of those maps you suggest i havent played in 10+ years so i'm all for it!
  3. hello , I'm fratske and would like to join TeamMuppet Real name: Benjamin Name in-game: fratske Age: 32 Where are you from (Country): Belgium Server you play on: mostly beginners server Been in any other clan (please name): inspiron, genuine, very first clan was Wodanfire "=WF=" etpub 2.55 Why you are not in that clan anymore: most players stopped playing , like myself, took a very long break 5+ years. Started playing again around a month ago Who invited you to join: Goldfinger Other games you play: elden ring, rimworld, RDR2 Reason why you want to join: i talked to a couple of ppl of the clan already and they are very cool and fun to play with, also like to be part of a community and maybe i get the chance to play some competitive matches again Tell us about yourself: I work as painter in construction for 15 years now, my hobbies are working out, music, go out with friends and gaming ofcourse :p
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