Due to the rubbish service from my TF2 server host I am now hosting this with the same host as the L4D server which are by far the best around, this means that we also have another TS2 server and more important a full connection speed, 10 gig of storage and 100 gig of bandwidth, file redirectional server. We used 85 gig of our 100 gig allaowence last month and have used 24 gig this month already so I will be spliting the file servers between the game servers to even the usage out. This will be over the next week has I have to upload all the files currently held on http://www.teammuppet.info upto the new site, I have used their free domain instead of using one of my own so the other file server for redirectional downloading will be http://www.teammuppet.inx-gaming.co.uk