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Everything posted by MrMuppet

  1. She was the leader of ETS who have been around many, many years. In loving memory of Kate - Announcements & News - ETS Community (ets-clan.com)
  2. macbeth - You will not be forgotten - [splatterladder] Board RIP Kate
  3. If anyone suffers slow map downloads from any of our server then please report this to us including the map and server so we can look into any potential issue, any outstanding maps can be downloaded from our file server Index of /Maps (teammuppet.uk) This page holds thousands of maps of over 28 Gig so the page may time out, if so, please just refresh.
  4. Hi guys, we have numerous servers running that seem to be no longer untilised and I was wondering if these are still required or can I stop these. TeamMuppet 1V1 password protected I set this up for someone who I cant remeber now, does anyone want access to this? TeamMuppet Gray TeamMuppet Orange TeamMuppet Red TeamMuppet Blue These are the original ETLegacy scrim servers, password protected and updated to the same version as our main server, I am not seeing these used lately but are available if required. TeamMuppet Warzone 1 ETPro scrim server (edited) TeamMuppet Frag server public Nitmod death match server
  5. The server has now been updated and settings changed to allow the new ETL client to connect without being banned or spammed.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Zip of the etpub hide and seek files
  7. = etl_warbell = library_b3 = etl_adlernest = karsiah_te2 = password2 = etl_supply = sw_oasis_b3 = steelplant2 = etl_bergen = tc_base = etl_frostbite = sw_goldrush_te = et_beach = etl_ice = berserk_te = etl_sp_delivery = decay_b7 = et_ufo_final = radar = pirates = reactor_final = town = te_escape2 = braundorf_final = bremen_final = caen2 = erdenberg_t2 Yesterday I also added another small map we used to play years ago, The town final, will only be available for 10 or less players.
  8. @uips I've ran the fixed version and there are a lot of broken textures including the FG42 gun, not sure about the 8 seconds spawn time for each team, maybe very difficult to collect the fuel with the axis spawning so close, I'll message Jay at etc as the map was made by etc Gouki.
  9. Was, still is in etpub, I do believe it will be implemented in Legacy soon, I'll see if the lua is compatible and add if so.
  10. Added secret bay, axis lab will be back on again soon as it was removed not so long ago, the mlb maps tend to lag when the server is busy but we will get a script and try daybreak again soon.
  11. No, I'll test it on the test server to make sure it doesn't crash the server and have a run around.
  12. We have had this map on the server before but there was an issue with it, think it may have been a legacy compatibility issue like some other maps but I'll search for the topic to be sure.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, we have made some changes: Bot at 6 3x Frag maps installed with means to vote for map (map vote enabled), 5 mins + 3 seconds spawn, the server will move to map vote again or follow its map vote cycle if no map is voted for The frag maps will only show (map vote cycle) when there are less than 7 players on the server (including bots) Botadmin add to level 5 and above, please ensure friends and others have the correct level, if not them please ask an admin to give you the level 5, bots will rejoin at the start of the next map Regarding stopwatch and competitive cfg's, we do have a campaign server that is set up for pro players [et.trackbase.net] ยป Server information for TeamMuppet ETL Campaign we need to keep a balance between a public and pro server so that everyone can join and enjoy. With the server being of less players we were able to tweak the connection settings that gives you a better playing experience that can't be given on larger slot servers and there is no large maps installed as you can see from the map list above.
  14. We can just add the kick bots to lower admin commands
  15. name = railgun_eu name = berserk_te name = reactor_final name = braundorf_final name = karsiah_te2 name = etl_ice name = te_escape2 name = sw_goldrush_te name = et_beach name = bremen_final name = caen2 name = etl_sp_delivery name = decay_b7 name = etl_adlernest name = et_ufo_final name = erdenberg_t2 name = sw_oasis_b3 name = tc_base name = etl_bergen name = etl_frostbite name = etl_supply name = library_b3 name = radar name = pirates
  16. Banners changed to one every minute and the build to one every five minutes, see how that goes.
  17. Just edited the lua to change the time frequency, I'll watch the next map
  18. Hello and a much delayed welcome.
  19. Removed.
  20. Yes, I'll have a look over the weekend and test it on our test server before implementing.
  21. Hello Finesto, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com Finesto joined on the 10/04/2022. View Member
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  22. Hello atze, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com atze joined on the 10/03/2022. View Member
  23. Hello Cyph, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com Cyph joined on the 09/30/2022. View Member
  24. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  25. Hello knuX, Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please join our Dicord channel at discord.teammuppet.com knuX joined on the 09/28/2022. View Member
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