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Everything posted by huwdie

  1. IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK whats up with the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS DOOMSDAY!!!!! ARMAGEDDON! APOCALYPSE! were all gona die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. naah marco(A-beam) is yust addicted, all he cares about is run around there...and....then.... well thats it. neither do i get your definition of good cuz A-beam gets owned by almost everyone. today i also saw sombody on the server, who i think stinks like hacks but he was probly ysut a very skilled american, 15 year old boy who has no life and plays the game everyday 8 hours long= :ugeek: . he got scores like 100/12 and about 2 dominatings, 3 rampages, and about 7 killing sprees. when virus and i started spectating him because we did trust this anymore, he alllll of a sudden started getting owned all round........ i dunno what to think of this but everyone says ET is unhackable.
  3. i will now try and speak a bit french to you lol: bonjour a notre forum et bienvenue, j'ai vous regardé a le serveur et je pense que tu est tres bien... j'espere que ils vous laissent entrer....... i hope it was a bit understandable, nice to see so much poeple like belgium lol
  4. im not liek soem poeple who use their powers to kick or mute innocent guests but i will use them when needed. next time the a-beam keeps on spamming the sound : mine feunde sind homosexuel i will mute him at the point where other poeple on the server start complaining aswell, i wont take out my personal "enemies" with my force powers master winston. i want to be a jedi not a sith...
  5. guys guys hows the voting going cuz im eager to fully join the team , my friends r already asking if im not ysut faking my tm status, cuz i dont have any powers lol.... i showed em !spec 999 they were not really impressed...cuz nobody had 999 ping on that moment. and when i did the admin test they were like: anyone can adjust his admin lvl to 2 so please tell me when will i be allowed to join
  6. huwdie


    seems like only the non-belgians have money to go to rock werchter.....have you seen the prizes? well nice that you coem to belgium for a decent festival.
  7. huwdie


    watch it there buddy we got pedobear
  8. hiiiiiii rob :oops: ....... :mrgreen:
  9. yes i know it is buy you could give me an update on how things are turning out?
  10. huwdie


    that is so not our best music , things like Deus, zornik or hooverphonic those r better things of our small country like this song of zornik: the backseat http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ4EKvppxIQ
  11. thx donald . its 11 pm here so imma go to sleep first , tomorow first thing in the morning ill come look at the results greets huwdie
  12. huwdie


    this time its tm , next year its your country, in 50 years we rue the world, in 100 years we conquer the galaxy. we got it all planned, next target is holland , then england , after that i dunno yet... maybe swiss...theyre always neutral and thats yust lame
  13. no its the capital of Amsterdam..... :roll: btw if you wonder why my topic is been watched for more hten 200 times , thats cuz i clicked it that much.
  14. huwdie


    hi double o ive seen you alot on the server and you are good , ive never seen you do anything wrong,and you are kind to poeple. so i hope you get into the team yust like me. we could be a new addition the the clan. i wish you luck, be sure to send an e-mail to donald.
  15. hi im huwdie, most of u tm guys probly saw me on the nq server,alot. ive been playing on the server for almsot 2 years now and i began to stick with it. i would liek to join the team. my mail didnt reach donald sry bout that donald. i hope you guys vote for me especially winston lol. im from belgium i live in the quiet town Eeklo , im 15 and im serious. please lemme in ive waited so long for this. thank you everyone
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