Hey there! I 'm an old clan owner and ET fun ❤️
But didn't own or host server for like 15 -20 years, now i start to enjoy this epic game again ,so i start with get level , and i buy slots from GTX , now i have 16.slot server where i can ask for support maximum to install a mad ,Legacy i would like , now i have jaymod2.60b installed ... but, the most important think is..
PLEASE!! ❤️❤️❤️
i need help to set up a server , i can't use even rcon... im totally nub now
Level adding ,greet text , banners , bots, and so on ..
i can give SUP-USER account to my control panel on gtxgaming.co.uk
REally please , i searching 3 days already and cant set it up by myself