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Everything posted by *Watermelon*

  1. Nice posting an event 25 hours before the actual event...
  2. "*Watermelon* has updated their profile." No, an admin edited my profile... #BugReport

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. *Watermelon*


      I demand the "ex-member" status now

    3. VeryDead


      Watermelon was a member? don't remember x)

    4. *Watermelon*
  3. What do we get for winning the previous TM cup?
  4. Same here... Is this a bug or a feature?
  5. oh well, it could have been Loki's creation
  6. I noticed straight away that Loki put a lot of effort in no. 6
  7. Good question
  8. +1 Last time i played on the server on GR, the whole axis team got full three times because allieds spawnkilling with airstrikes on the roof...
  9. Creating a safe area by putting a invisible roof ontop of spawn is done on the HBC etpro server (and their server is very popular, too). Also very strict admins are active there to warn people when spawnkilling.
  10. Who actually played for the Nubbers?
  11. Gibbing: Not allowed Both Come on, this is what made it boring the first time we played it...
  12. At the previous H&S event, didnt the gibbing rule get changed so that seekers were allowed to gib hiders? I go for stock pistol damage and fall damage off.
  13. Oh, and next time time implement that no bugging is allowed like in Oasis tunnel or in the rock at Supply...
  14. Its over about now.
  15. 1 Predator per 5 People allowed just pistol and knife medic NOT allowed is what we use to play previously, right? That was good fun
  16. Me too, i'm probably getting an iphone 5 anyway before december
  17. What my concern is, is that when one want to do a !userinfo, it can only be used in main chat (Atleast in spec). Maybe a command can be implemented to do a "private" !userinfo?
  18. Exams incoming

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. miraro3


      Already under heavy fire! Need support!

    3. *Watermelon*


      Heavy fire? These are the best day's of the year!

    4. miraro3


      not if you're actually studying xD

  19. Elloo, I think i met you on the etpub server, glad to hear you like it.
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