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  1. Xfire: Dravoreus MSN: hubrechts_patrick@hotmail.com
  2. Available almost every evening except for the weekend and monday before 21h. In the weekend available on demand. Not available from 7/3 until 20/3 due to exams
  3. yeah i know.. but he has really a lot of xp so he has to play a lot :? XP isn't everything and give a wrong image. Take now for example that player Gino Latino. He is seen around a month ago and has more then 80.000 xp, but you have to see how he plays. Every map he is a field ops or a soldier with mobile MG42. And there are more players like that. Sniperwolf however, I don't know.
  4. No, i don't have them, but I'm the first back-up due to the fact I still live with my parents. I had to go last time to press the connect-button on the mouse
  5. what are you some kind of bot needs to be programmed? :techie-hiding: How about 2bars that my parents have and my ex-sister-in-law who just had a baby? 1 thing I know here: everything can change in 5 minutes time
  6. Setting a day for the wars is not a good idea. It's better to let the participants of the war decide together when the war is. My program is different every week and can change every day
  7. TM-Cup is just a name, because I thought there would be more teams. But 2 teams with native languages (except for donald and miki) is sufficient. It is just a start, later we can divide the teams differently
  8. Due to the fact that I don't know what is considered Trickjumping and what isn't, it might be an idea to have a list where all trickjumping is included. That way all members have the same level of trickjumping for banning.
  9. In the list of NQ, I see 3 times baserace, but I also miss maps like Saberpeak and Omaha Beach. These maps give it a whole new perspective due to the fact you have to work together very well to win that map. BTW: I used to "train" on Omaha Beach. Darkman en 007 (I think) can admit that because they came in while I was there. It gave me a better aiming after a short time
  10. I see a couple of things in the list. It appears to be that 2 country's are well represented. Maybe an idea to let Cropkiller join the Belgian team and form the Benelux team.
  11. I got it, Windows just excludes dutch for speech recognition. I got my Vista now in English and it works. Trying out the speech recognition now
  12. The problem is that Vista still has to host it before it goes to TS2. With the dutch Vista, I don't have Speech Recognition and that might be the problem. Microsoft and his nice extra's :?
  13. It's the mic. It works on my dad laptop, but not on mine. Has to do with that vista
  14. DJ has another disadvantage: you can then easily jump over wall that you normal can't jump over and make it a lot easier to get your objective. Lasers can be fun in a certain mode, so that everybody always uses lasers. But you will be discovered a lot faster, no more sneaking around. Only speed and knife only could be fun. We did that in the past with Halo. The chance that you hit an ally instead of an enemy is the fun part
  15. I have TS2, but it still doesn't work. Need to look for an solution. Don't we better start a new topic with all the MSN en XFire-accounts? Better to search for them again
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