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Everything posted by brehh

  1. Celebrated my 2years on the 31st of march Cant believe I've been around this long
  2. brehh

    Map Test Event

    we need to get rid of one grush version. 2x goldrush is just overkill. I suggest we remove the original.
  3. brehh

    Map Test Event

    Breh likes Cluedo. Breh has not played any of the other maps. Breh thinks either original GR or GR-GA should be implemented, not both. But Breh is very biased because he dislikes GR an awful lot. Breh thinks whoever suggested to remove reactor should be hanged!!!!! Picking oasis_sw over original oasis might not be a good idea because people might complain how easy it is if you have somebody on the allied team who feels like ending it rather quickly. Oasis is fine atm. PS: Did you know Malawi produces more potatoes than Belgium on an annual base? Malawi is #17 when it comes to potato producing countries. Ukraine is #4 beating the USA who are #5 in potato production.
  4. also special mention to stumpel. He very nice guy. Also I love the frenchman when our team wins. Otherwise he prick who hates eveyone. Also special love to everyone who loves the breh like the nice guys. And special shoutout to the belgians like the dentom and the hunti and the shizzz who also like the breh and the other people. also love to whoever the female muppet is and who hates me but who despite everything still tolerates me. also hugs to the frnech cru!!! and to the french cru like rash*mon and to the spanish cru I dont know and to the belgian cru like the virus and the miraro3 and the harald and to the luxembourg I dnt know yet and to the italian cru I dont know and to the german cru like the creative and the estonia crew like the freak and the verydead and the andy and also nnice shoutout to the finnish people like the klokk and the smirre and the punakone. And to the british cru like everyone becuz they nice people and to alll other europeans but not to americans becuz they silly and not to dutch because they invade our country like Italy in first century and the dutch are silly like giraffe. but say no to people from moldova and china becuz they support the herb who is opposite from the breh. support the people from the belgium when they nice and they good like the breh maybe I make too much posts but I little drunk this 10 posts in row. Maybe time for special title 1 instead of 10 post thanks
  5. whats the difference between jaymod and etpub?
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