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Everything posted by Smirre

  1. Download the new driver and remove old driver by going start - computer - change/remove application - find AMD - uninstall it. Then restart pc, click the downloaded driver and follow the installer instructions, it should also perform another uninstall for old drivers. If so, restart pc again and start installer again, now it should perform installation of new driver. If this was too complicated, read "howto" from the driver download page.
  2. It is a windy place up there
  3. Smirre

    name cycle

    Put it in your config, not in console. Im sure somewhere on this site is explanation about config.
  4. Smirre


    Heh i think my oldest son already would like to play, he is 6 years now and want to see daddy pwning. It is sad to see servers so empty. New games makes ppl leave, but most of them come back though. Yes the bots sucks. You could make new waypoints and make them more human like, but what's the use in long term, maps must change and you should do all over again. I told about funwar possibility and eXe atleast would be ready to do it. Kwizlord is eXe leader and i saw you have him on xfire, so just ask him if you want to organize something. I also told ETF about it, so they should contact you if they want war.
  5. Smirre


    Thanks for the warm welcome. Well i explain my status: I am just a regular member of eXe clan now, but i am a owner of other community (beginnersheaven). The reason for this is that i used to be ETF member, left there, came back later and ordered a new server for the community. So i became owner of that place among with 3 other ppl. ETF clan is the main clan of BH (they regruit there only) and eXe (etpro clan these days) has played there since the beginning and we still do. Owners are half ETF, half eXe and both work together for BH. I hope this made it more clear, not that it matters so much to me More i just like to enjoy gaming and have fun. I do also play etpro, actually used to only play it like 6 months ago or so. After a nice server lost popularity, i started again to help the m8's on etpub. These days i have so little time for ET, that if there is not many ppl on BH, i propably come here. Been playing along with bots only for too long and it is so damn boring About having more kids: my wife says yes, i try to avoid those conversations But i quess more will come and yeah a girl could be welcome for a change. Now i go watch hockey, take few or more beers as Finland will be kicking Canada's ass Cya later tonight maybe.
  6. Smirre


    I thought to introduce myself as i've lately played here more often. So i'm 36 and i come from Finland. Married and a father of 2 sons. I've played ET over 8 years now and i am a owner of a multigaming community (ET+COD4). As for the possible future misundertstandings i have to say that the clan i'm in is not the place i am the owner. Confused? Well feel free to ask more on xfire or pm if you want to know more. Anyways about a 1 month ago i started to search some other etpub servers and i found yours among some other popular places. So i came here and liked the ppl on server. I really like that you play, instead of chatting So cya on the battlefield.
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