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About deathsoulreaper

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  1. it would be cool to have that cheers shadow
  2. wahah i dont mind that dont forget you didnt met the shadow him self you dont know this belgian boy yet so prepare cheers shadow
  3. whot did this guy do wrong ? i'm sorry that i bemoei me ( dont know exact english word so i said it in dutch/flemish) cheers shadow
  4. yeah we are the force of belgium BELGIAN force 4 life !!!\m/ ftw cheers shadow :twisted:
  5. yeah sorry my mistake i pressed to fast on submit and couldn't delete it any more so second one is the good one and gehe i was doing belgium flag my belgain proud was hudge when i made this post so i tought lets use them ffs lets use black yellow red cheers shadow :twisted:
  6. hehe ok thnx he said to me that he did both site and forum so i didnt get it at first but now its clearly cheers shadow
  7. ok i will tell him that cheers shadow :twisted:
  8. so its really important to play alot on<=TM=>servers ?! caus now i doing a litle thing bit wrong then :$ :oops: i play alot on |>B<| B4 B2 but i use <=TM=>[T] tagg but thats caus my rating isnt that high and also when you on muppet server with the bots it isnt registered the score on splatterladder also its not funny to pwn alot bots you already know exactly whot they gonna do also i chek alot who of <=TM=>members is online on jaymod or NQ and most of hours ofthe day it isnt that many members and when i do see people on the server then i'm on my laptop and then i cant play even been spec is hatefull i have ping of 300 and an FpS of 3 max 20 it sucks i can come online to talk but you cant see me play then if you wanne see me and play with me i wil come tomorow at 12am to <=TM=>Server i will appear on both see you all there on the<=TM=> battlefields cheers <=TM=>[T]Shadow
  9. so its really important to play alot on<=TM=>servers ?! caus now i doing a litle thing bit wrong then :$ :oops: i play alot on |>B<| B4 B2 but i use <=TM=>[T] tagg but thats caus my rating isnt that high and also when you on muppet server with the bots it isnt registered the score on splatterladder also its not funny to pwn alot bots you already know exactly whot they gonna do
  10. ha ok thnx for given me these awnsers on my question now i understand it thnx and sure i show intrest in site it would be a damn shame if you didnt as try-out also as member and its good to make some changes and to evolve with the time and been updated cheers <=TM=>[T]Shadow :twisted:
  11. heya i thinnk that i get it but how can you get your skills till lvl 9 on jaymod its only till 4 max 5 so this is only able for the NQ server ? srry i'm a dumb boy :think: :? :oops: cheer <=TM=>[T]Shadow
  12. he told me that he has signed his in on the forum and stuff cheers shadow :twisted:
  13. hehe naja its just my opinion ofc if you think its good its ok for me cheers shadow :twisted:
  14. hey guys i was looking on your site and 1 thing my eye felt on i saw that you guys have a nice site and nice subject catogries but you are missing importing topics like wanne leave the clan ( not that i wanne leave but members or inactive members can be told that they have to leave or why they would leave this fine clan it brings nice conversations between members and admins ) also theirs a topic missing with nonsens /crap / funny sh*t wher you can post the most stuppids things wher you think of right now video's , songs , picture's also a topic of member pictures wher you can post a picture of yourself so that other players can see the face who's always get killed or by who they got their asses kicked also its good to see the face behind the player in the virtual world of ET these are the things that i'm missing right here tell me if you dont like that or if you wanne argu with me cheers <=TM=>[T]Shadow :twisted:
  15. hey i wanne introduce a friend of mine of an old clan of mine who is also are intrested in <=TM=> callname is Monsterb0y :auto-dirtbike: he is a fair player from belgium his real name is ashley he is a boy of 13 years old let me think ... :think: i think this is all that you have to need :think: if you want to know more of him just make a quick chatt with the boy when you see him owyeah he asked me to do this caus he have some litle problem with his english but he can understand it only to write or to express himself it makes a bit an problem :| :? but he's doing well for a boy from his age cheers <=TM=>[T]Shadow
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