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Status Updates posted by HAL

  1. Why i am playing ET


    Why the fu*k (sorry for this expression) i am playing ET since 2012 on the nodownload-server of Team Muppet? I must confess, I haven´t the faintest idea. What ist going wrong with me? Why have i spended so much time here? I know, most of the players on this server are in an age between 16 – 25 years old. And i am 54 years old.

    So what´s wrong with me? I really don´t know. Ok, most of the players could be my sons or daughters. And in real life i haven´t children. Is it this? I don´t know. Maybe a bit, but much more important is that, what my wife is saying to me: you are such a child! Oh blimey! Thats right. I am such a child in a body of a middle-age-man (ok maybe a old man). And that´s maybe the reason why i am looking to play with you all. In real life i am working as a

    Graduate Educator with young people. It´s a kind of job-training. We have a special kind of professional training for jobs in germany, in german we call it “Berufsausbildung”. It last 3 years at all. And it´s my job to find companies for the young people where they can learn the job. So I am every day in contact with many young people to give them a training for job-finding. Maybe I am enjoing to play therefore with you. But that´s not all. ET is such a amazing game. I learned so much about life in it, and I met so much interesting young people from all over the world. That´s so interessting for me! So I think, it´s all of a bit. - Ah, before I forget: naturally I also like (sometimes) to kick your ass!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charlie


      Yeah we have a few older people playing on the server. I don't even think you're the oldest? I won't name names :D 

    3. Macka


      Well Jesus is 2017 years old for a start! You're a spring chicken by comparison :)

      I can kind of relate to your words. I'm not quite 54 (29 soon to be 30!) but I started playing ET at 16 when it first came out. I've gone from being a freshie to being in the older age bracket of players I'm sure. There is something really alluring about ET and the Team Muppet servers. At times I have thought to myself 'Right you're twenty something now, time to grow up and stop playing games. ' But I can't quit :D I hope you're still here when you;re 84 HAL :)

    4. HAL


      Well, i will try my best :pleasantry:

  2. Where is Hal?

    Some player maybe have noticed, that Hal is vanished in the last weeks. Is there an explanation? Yes.

    My old PC is broken, so I bought a new one. What means new OS, new installation of all software, and new installation of ET. So I started all over again playing ET with new Profil. I will keep Hal in good memory. Dave Bowman was the Astronaut, who dismantled Hal. And that´s what I did.

    1. VenoM



    2. P3Swan
  3. Hal is back!

    I was luckly able to restore my old game-datas. So Hal is back on battleground.

  4. HAL has been dismantled. 

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