386 files
winterbase b1.7 - winterbase_b1.7.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal a uniform**and open this door in disguise**Inside the room push the button"
2 "Secondary Objective:**Build the commandpost, **defend the commandpost. **Destroy enemies commandpost"
3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the gate."
4 "Primary Objective:**Steal a uniform**and open this door in disguise**Inside the room push the button"
5 "Primary Objective:**Steal the keycard and bring it to the fault."
6 "Primary Objective:**Bring the gold to the truck."
7 "Primary Objective:**Truck."
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the room**"
2 "Secondary Objective:**Build the commandpost, **defend the commandpost. **Destroy enemies commandpost"
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the gate."
4 "Primary Objective:**Defend the room."
5 "Primary Objective:**Defend the keycard."
6 "Primary Objective:**Defend the gold."
7 "Primary Objective:**Defend the truck."7 downloads
Marrakech Streets Vara - et_mor_vara.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Marrakech Street Vara
Description :
Allied intelligence has learned of the existence of Operation Hitlers Beard, a top secret project that the Axis top minds have been working on. If the Allied command could get there hands on the information contained within these files it would help them plan for a swifter and more decisive victory in the entire North Africa campaign. The Allies have put together a small strike force to attempt to break through the Axis defenses and steal the documents they are guarding. Needless to say, the Axis soldiers can not allow this to happen, and must defend the town at all costs.
Allies :
1, Escort the tank passed the barrier
2, Escort the tank to the town gate and destroy them
3, Destroy the back door entrance *** New objective ***
4, Destroy the entrance to the laboratory and get the document case
5, Take the documents back out through the gate to a waiting truck
Axis :
1, Don't let the tank get passed the barrier
2, Stop the Allies from destroying the town gate
3, Protect the back door entrance *** New objective ***
4, Guard the laboratory entrance
5, Don't let the Allies escape with the document case4 downloads
River War Final - reriver.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
(the readme file)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Basic Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : River War
Filename : reriver.pk3
Release date : 2003-08-27
Decription : The Allies are attempting to destroy the prototype heavy water processing control system.
The Axis must guard their prototype heavy water processing control system.
Author : Extra (Johnny Hadley)
Email address : Johnny@endofdaysband.com
Webpage : http://www.hadleyplace.com
Copyright 2003 Johnny Hadley all rights reserved
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
odenthal b2 - odenthal_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
=== Odenthal Beta 2 ===
Name: Odenthal
Mapper: Jens 'eiM' B.
Type: Competition map (3v3 , 6v6)
Spawntimes: Axis 30s , Allies 20s
Average duration: 10 Minutes
Worked time: 3,5 Month (for beta2)
Homepage: http://reveal.et-support.de/odenthal
I always wanted to create a real competition map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. But I never got started to a real
project like this... the only maps I finished are small 1v1 / 2v2 maps or my trickjumpmap (a bit bigger though).
So well, back in the Winter of 2006 I really had too much freetime because of holiday and stuff. So it came that
I reinstalled all the mappingstuff on my harddisk and thought about a nice map.
Anyway this maybe sounds a bit weird but when this amok run happened in Germany - Emsdetten me and some friends
were together hanging out and randomly heard that the guy who ran amok had mapped his school for Counterstrike.
Because we always have much fun @ LAN's and stuff the idea of mapping our school for W:ET @ LAN's became more
and more reality.
Before I write on I really have to note that I misprize the happenings of Emsdetten and i'm sorry for all
the victims and that not in my farest thougts plan to do something like an amok run.
Okay , well in my winterholidays I went skiing and had much fun but also some time to think about my mapping project.
There were many things to plan. (If you really try to remap something of your daily life you'll notice that you don't
remember many details of the looks and stuff ;>) So I made some photos , searched + created textures and made some outlines.
Anyway after about 2weeks when I were back at school I finally started to create the map in my GTKRadiant.
The map is not a perfect remake of Odenthal (the small city it's located in) because I set a higher value
on making the school realistic than the terrain etc. But still there are much similarities like the small
river ,some grassland...
So this is the story behind the map and the name Odenthal. The story set in W:ET is the following:
Axis have constituted an headquarter in the school of Odenthal. Therefore they rebuild some parts of
the school and the town. The Allies forces have to escort their Jagdpanther through the streets of
Odenthal to get access to the school. After this they have to destroy the Main Entrance and the Generator to
disable the magnetic seal of the Security doors to get access to the main building of the school. Inside this
the Axis store their secret documents which have to be secured by the Allies Forces
caha tavern b1 - caha_tavern_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
itle : CAHA: tavern
filename : caha_tavern_b1
game : wolfenstein: enemy territory
version : beta 1
date : 5.October.2005
author : Roger "redRum" Creus
url : http://www,cyanureill.paparra.net
email : roger.creus@gmail.com
gametype : objective, stopwatch, campaign
mines : disabled
max. players : 12 per team
1942. China. Province of Liaoning.
The well known tavern Fire Garden has been taken by an allied squad.
They are using it as a document depot, and have set two security system levels to ensure the spy lists inside it are safe.
A german squad has found out the allied shellac, so they get ready for battle and rush into the building.
Primary: Destroy the security power generator B.
.Primary: Destroy the security power generator A.
.Primary: Steal the spy lists.
.Primary: Escape with the lists through the sewers.
.Secondary: Destroy the cellar wall to open an escape route;
you must have destroyed the generator A to get access to the cellar.
.Secondary: Destroy the stairs wall and get faster acces to the top floors.
.Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator B.
.Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator A.
.Primary: Hold the spy lists.
.Primary: Don't let axis escape with the lists.
.Secondary: Don't let axis reach the cellar and protect the sewers exit.
.Secondary: Hold or rebuild the stairs wall to cut the allied path.
calculus_b1 - calculus_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the railroad manifest."
4 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them get the manifest and paintings to the truck."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Don't let them use the track switch to get the paintings"
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them steal the paintings with the train."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the railroad manifest."
4 "Primary Objective:**Get the manifest and paintings to the truck."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Use the track switch to get the train to the paintings."
2 "Primary Objective:**Escort the train to the paintings, then to the truck."2 downloads
antarctic base - antarctic_base.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
antarctic_base map created by : Ganjaman.
Thanks to Stealth' for the nice exploding gate,
and 2bit[TiBeT} for help with the tank,the rotating platform and offcourse creating the great mapping tutorial.
I have used several prefab brushes in this map.
And someone in germany who made the towerbunker
But no name in the readme.txt, vielen dank !
Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de )
Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de )
This map is only for testing final map will come soon.
contact e-mail : johnny_b27@hotmail.com
allied "Remove the Axis threat by destroying the experimental Aircraft: fight your way into the main base and dynamite the Ufo."
wm_mapdescription axis "Our experimental aircraft will tip the balance in our favour.Protect the Ufo from Allied sabotage."
wm_mapdescription neutral "The Axis experimental aircraft 'Ufo' is harassing Allied shipping. The Axis must protect it from Allied attempts at sabotage."2 downloads
falkenstein b3 - falkenstein_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
(the readme file)
version:second beta
date: 27.09.2010
email:schwapschwip@web.de by orange
-The Allies are trying to infiltrate a secret base inside a mountain. They are attempting to steal a secret prototype which could be decisive for the success in this war.
-timelimit: 20 minutes
allies (attacking side):
1. Capture the checkpoint
2. Blow up the generator to gain access to the base
3. Set up a command post inside the base to spawn there
4. Blast the entrances
5. Steal the prototype and bring it to the train
6. Secondary Obj. - Prevent Axis from building a Command Post
7. Construct the access. It will open the door to the prototype. Construction is the console beside the door.
axis (defending side):
1. Defend the checkpoint
2. Defend the generator
3. Prevent the Allies from building a command post
4. Defend the entrances
5. Defend the prototype. Allies will be attemptting to escape with it by train
6. Secondary Obj. - Build a Command Post
7. Secure the access. It will open the door to the prototype . Construction is the console beside the door. Axis can destroy it with a satchel charge.3 downloads
generator b3 - generator_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
Author : Hitman007
Email address : hitman007.maps@gmail.com
Webpage : http://www.hitman007.tk
Map Information
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : generator
Filename : generator_b3.pk3
Campname : generator_b3
Max Players : 40
Release date : 07/11/05
Decription : To destroy the generator of the main base
Other Info : version Beta3
Compile time : 15 min - BSP META - LIGHFAST
Compile machine : AMD Duron 800 mhz Ram384MB
//Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the generator."
2 "Secondary Objective:**Defender the doors."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Defender Door Base."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the command post."
5 "Secondary Objective:**no info"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Blow generator."
2 "Secondary Objective:**Blow doors"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Blow Door Base."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the command post"
5 "Secondary Objective:**no info"2 downloads
UJE schwarzwald b1 - UJE_schwarzwald_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Congratulations! You found the website of the [UJE] Clan
Lays of Schwarzwald is a custom ET map situated in the middle of nice, famous region of Blackwood (schwarzwald..)forests.
Information about advanced progress of Axis in the Rocketbomb research were true.
Allies are on a mission to ambush their Weapon factory in the middle of huge Schwarzwald forest and destroy everything whats worth.
Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the Village and destroy the Tunnel Gate.
Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the tunnels to parmanently push Axis to the Rocket Base.
Primary Objective: Bring all four Explosion Materials to the Rocket.
Primary Objective: Build the Detonator to blow up the Rocket Base.
Primary Objective: Blow up the Rocket Base using the constructed Detonator.
Secondary Objective: Do not let Axis construct the Tank Barrier.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post to take partial control over the tunnels.
Primary Objective: Prevent Allies from completing their objective.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Tank Barrier.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.
Credits & such:
Textures: dirt_m03icmp_brown.tga - from ET:L texturepack made by Kemon.
Missing images to original ET shaders were found in custom packs..
Other than that, textures were downloaded for free, or made by me.
Websites: https://www.textures.com/
one-way b3 - one-way_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Author: Qualmi
Date: 25.05.2010
Game: Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Homepage: http://qualmi.de.tl/
An original map with a little bit of a different objective. What once started as a 1on1 map, can now be applied to
small servers with a maximum of 12 players.
Additionally there is an ETPro Mapscript supplied within this mapfile, making it possible to turn this map into a
deathmatch map.
An additional mapscript, turning this map into a deathmatch map, can be found in the readme folder of this .pk3. It
is called 'one_way_b3.script'.
Just copy it in your ET mapscripts directory and restart the server with the directory beeing set.
Unfortunately the ET Engine is very limited. Therefore the visual counter i originally planned soon hit that 32
remapshader limit.
You can see the seconds be remapped in the left corner below. The minutes are rotating above the coder.
Logically the counter works 100% accurate.
The map got inspired by a 1on1 i once played at Valhalla. Someone, cant remember the name today, introduced me into
that kind of gameplay, which he called, 'one way'. It was just that we meet constantly at a certain mainroad, to
avoid hiding and sneaking, so that the skill is reduced to aim and movement basically.
The first versions i released should have hit exactly that principle. But after coming back to mapping after a while
i had the feeling that it probably would be better to make it a little bigger. I tried to keep that one way principle,
but i fear it has become some kind of mixture now.
Post feedback or bugreports at -> http://1vs1free1on1.de.tl <- forum section.
Some Additional Information for Mappers
Build Time: 2 hours.
Also i am 1 year old and am a computer genius. I learned mapping in just one day and the compile time took me 1ns.
With half a year i learned the C programming language, when i was half and a third i invented the wheel. When i was
half and two third i realized that there was already a wheel. What a shame.
The rest of the day i spam people with how fast i am. I mean, everybody knows that everything must be based on
velocity nowadays. So why shouldnt i spam you with my timing results 😆
because quality takes time ?
tbnsdba - tbnsdba.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
by BeoWulV
general information:
name: the brand new soft drink battle arena
type: rtcw-et-multiplayer
Author: BeoWulV
mail: webmaster@beowulv.ch
the story:
sometimes that's a believable story
most important for a good map. therefore has
neither does this map
it is rather a series of many
confused ideas and thoughts...
the only aim of the game is therefore to
respective soft drink can to the corresponding ones
to carry vending machines. these disappear
then and are therefore considered filled (???)
the team that filled up all 5 machines first
has, wins.
axis = coca-cola
allies = pepsi
this is a pure funmap and thus sets zero
value on logic or realism!!!
the music:
the music that can be activated in the map comes from
all from the canadian band Zimmers Hole
more information about the band can be found at www.legionofflames.com
- unpack or move the file "tbnsdba.pk3"
into the "etmain" directory of rtcw
(e.g. c:\programs\rtcwet\etmain)
- in the multiplayer game then just this map
choose and let's go!
- thx to prefablab for the can models
- thx to eyeronik from surface for some useful textures
- no thx at all to sir elton john
It is not allowed to decompile this map and/or the map or parts of it without my express permission
Permission to use and/or republish for your own purposes.
It is allowed this map in ORIGINAL CONDITION INCL. ORIGINAL README FILE freely to other people
pass on or e.g. available for download on the internet.
I would be happy about feedback on this map. Please send positive and negative criticism to
italyremake tnt - italyremake_tnt.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
italy Remake Clan TNT. by TNT|*Cinco
map "italyremake_tnt"
longname "Streets of Italy Remake by Clan TNT"
Hemos realizado esta pequeña modificación del estupendo mapa Italy de IndyJones, Pazur and Isbowhten. Esperamos que estas sean del agrado de la comunidad ET.
Cambios realizados:
-Se ha creado un nuevo spawn Allie, estos ya no nacen en el exterior.
-Se han abierto nuevos accesos a la bandera de la plaza del mercado.
-Se han cambiado algunas escaleras y accesos a diferentes puntos del mapa.
-El comandost se ha movido justo debajo, y hemos realizado una nueva salida que da acceso a los tejados y a la MG
-Se ha habilitado una nueva zona a la izquierda del spawn Axis que llega hasta la plaza del mercado pasando por la entrada de la torre donde esta el oro.
-Hemos cambiado la parte final del recorrido del Jeep habilitando una nueva zona. El mapa ya no acaba en el spawn Allie.
-Se han modificado los archivos OmniBot adaptandolos a las modificaciones.
We have made this small modification for the great map of Italy by IndyJones, Pazur and Isbowhten. We hope these are liked by the community ET.
-He has created a new spawn Allie, they will no longer spawn outside.
-He opened new access to the flag of the market square.
-Changed some ladder and access to different locations.
-The comandost has moved just below, and we made a new exit that leads to the rooftops and the MG
-He has set up a new area to the left of the Axis spawn that reaches the market place through the entrance of the tower where the gold is.
-We have changed the end of the tour the Jeep enabling a new zone. The map is no longer just the spawn Allie.
-Files have been modified Omnibot adapted to the changes.
Download files:
The original map Streets Of Italy By IndyJones, Pazur and Isbowhten.3 downloads
maccupiccu b1 - maccupiccu.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Protect the symbol" wm_mapdescription allies "Escape on truck with the two symbol"
Allied objectives
1 "Escape with truck"
Axis objectives
1 "Protect the two symbol"
Tour 2 -tour2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Get the elevator to floor 1"
"Get the elevator to floor 2"
"The two armies battle about an elevator, the allies need to have it on floor 2 and the axis need it on floor 1. the team that succed to place the elevator on the floor they need will win when the timelimit is hit"4 downloads
Trenches - Trenches.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Defend the forward spawn, defend the sewer entrance dont let the allied forces thru"
"Go thru the trenches, win the forward spawn, build the cp, find the sewer entrance and blow it"
"Fall of Saigon Part2: After breaching China Beach defenses, Allied forces has to get thru the jungle and trenches to find the sewer entrance and blow it"
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
win the forward spawn
2 "Secondary Objective:
Establish a Command Post.
3 "primary Objective:
blow the sewer entrance
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
defend the forward spawn
2 "Secondary Objective:
Establish a Command Post.
3 "primary Objective:
defend the sewer entrance3 downloads
Frosty - frosty.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title: Frosty
Author: Prototype
Released on 05.01.04
Designed for 7 vs 7 but has spawn points for 16 vs 16
Description: 2 entry points at the door and side gate. Just inside the door is a flag which
can be captured by the Allies to secure a new spawn point. However, the flag
can be recaptured at any time by the Axis team.
The objective is a book located
in a room on the 2nd level of the axis base. It then has to be taken to the opposite
side of the map to the radio room.
Credits: Hummer for his crate models and great advice on the Splash Damage forums and irc.
Menzel for releasing the source to tundra where I got many ideas and used the 2 snow textures for the terrain.
Gerbil for his mml_church map where I learned a lot about scripting.
Sock for his insane amount of help to the ET mapping community.
Activision for releasing ET for free giving mappers a larger audience to (attempt to) please.
Server admins like Goat and ND80 for providing servers which play only custom maps giving mappers a place to showcase their hard work.
My cat for always being there for me when I got a compile error.3 downloads
woods beta1 - woods_beta1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Don�t let the Allies breach the Doors! Stop the Allies from getting back the Secret Documents!"
"Breach the Doors and steal the Secret Dokuments!"
"The Allies have to breach the 2 Doors and steal the Secret Documents!"
t whatever - t_whatever.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
" Reclaim the Outpost and church and hold off the Allies."
"Take over the Outpost and church and hold it for the rest of the allies to arrive."
"Target Outreach is a remote last stand outpost of the Axis that must be captured at all costs!"
Allied objectives
1 "Capture all five objectives around the Outpost and hold them!"
2 "Primary Objective:
Secure all five flags!"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Secure all five objectives!"
2 "Primary Objective:
Secure all five flags!"3 downloads
blood - blood.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"The axis are gaurding a book that could crack the secrets of the axis enigma code.The Allies must repair the Jagdpanther to blow the base entrances, steal the Book and drive it to safety in a Truck."
"The Allies are planning to steal a Book that could allow them to Desyfer our most secret of plans. the Allies cannot steal this book or any getaway vehicles."
neutral "The axis are gaurding a book that could crack the secrets of the axis enigma code.The Allies must repair the Jagdpanther to blow the base entrances, steal the Book and drive it to safety in a Truck."
penemuende b2 - penemuende_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Penemuende is an Enemy Territory Multiplayer Map.
Supported Gametypes: Campaign, Objective, Stopwatch
Mapname: penemuende_b2
April 1941, The allied troops could destroy the main axis radar base near Narvik.
Now it is a good time to get into their submarine shipyard. The Uboot U32 and U48
get their next application there. **The Allies must steal the ENIGMA and escape.
Also they have to destroy the sea Flak Gun to clear the sea paths.
Betaversion 2
Timelimit: 20 min
Axis respawntime: 25 sec
Allies respawntime: 15 sec
1. Defend the Maingate.
2. Protect the secret Enigma.
3. Dont let the Allies destroy the 88 mm Flak Gun.
4. Build and defend the Depotdefenses.
5. Defend the Bunker Sideentrance.
6. Build a Command Post and stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post.
1. Dynamite the Maingate
2. Steal the secret Enigma and bring it to the escape truck.
3. Destroy the 88 mm Flak Gun.
4. Destroy the Depotdefenses to get into the base
5. Dynamite the Bunker Sideentrance to get into the base.
6. Build a Command Post and stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post.
Change to the previous version
- Texture Changing and Fitting
- One more AXIS Spawnpoint (Lower Bunker)
- more AXIS Teamdoors in Submarine Base and in Vehicledepot
- Lightsettings
- Soundscript Part 1 (Depotalarm after Maingate blowing)
- Bugfixing the Ammodepot Health and Cabinets
ToDo for the Final Version
- More Lights in Submarine Bunker
- Bugfixing for the Final Version
- Sounds for Atmosphere
To start the map on ET server put the line
in your mapfile for obj mode
mt_whoverest b4 6 - mt_whoverest_b4_6.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
allied Withstand the axis onslaught and prevent them from recovering their stolen documents."
axis Break into the well guarded allied base and recover some stolen documents.
neutral High in the alps a remote allied base, craftily hidden in the mountainside the allies attempt to decipher the contents of stolen axis documents.
1 "Primary Objective:**Recover the stolen documents hidden deep within the allied outpost."
2 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the forward spawn."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Construct a command post."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the main door."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the vent grill."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Open the electric doors by re-wiring the control panel."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the allies from building a command post and destroy it if they suceed."
8 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the allies from recovering the vital information."
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent axis from stealing some documents."
2 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the forward spawn."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the construction of the axis command post."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the main door from axis engineers."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Ensure that the axis cannot destroy the vent access grill."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Maintain the control panel and re-wire it incase axis manage to jam the electric doors open."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a command post."
8 "Primary Objective:**Recover the vital information."
Axis must fight their way into a remote but well guarded allied outpost set high in the alps and recover the secret documents.4 downloads
night fight 2 - night_fight_2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Thank you NOP for your Texturen http://home.comcast.net/~saberpeak/
thanks SteelRat for your scripts and textures
Copyright Kaforsven Bei fragen Djskinn@web.de
Allies are planning an attack on the outer defence of a port town to clear way for a larger attack. Axis have an outpost based on a Big Bunker outside the port town and their big cannon is a major threat to Allies.6 downloads