386 files
dm metro te - dm_metro_te .pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Author : Qualmi
Location : Germany
E-mail : n.mitschke@gmx.de
Game : Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Date : 24.03.2009
Metro: Deathmatch.
- SD for this great game
- the ppl of radiant
- Texturemakers
- The ppl who created all those tutorials:
me also wrote a german scripting tutorial. check it out:
- Berzerkr for offering and remaking the commandmap
- Splashdamage forum for all the help3 downloads
sabotage te - sabotage_te.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Infiltrate the Axis Radar installation and Sabotage the two main Radars"
"Protect your Radar installation at all costs."
"The Axis have been ocupying souther Italy for to long now. The allied forces have located a dual radar installation that is key in taking back Italy."
Allied objectives
1 "Secondary Objective:
Dynomite the Service Door to gain access."
2 "Primary Objective:
Destroy Radar 2."
3 "Primary Objective:
Destroy Radar 1"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the Forward bunker."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Establish a Command Post in the Forward Bunker"
6 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Axis from caturing the Forward Bunker."
Axis objectives
1 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from gaining access through the Service Door."
2 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 2."
3 "PrimaryObjective:
Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 1."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from capturing the Forward bunker."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
6 "Secondary Objective:
Set up a Command Post in the Forward bunker."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the Forward bunker."6 downloads
traindepot b2 - traindepot_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Objective:Protect the radio equipment and the generator"
"Objective:Destroy the radio equipment and underground generator"
"the axis must defend the radio and the generator. Allies must destroy the Radio Transmitter and the generator at all cost."
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:Conquer and secure the forward spawn area by completing either one of the objectives"
2 "Primary Objective:Destroy the radio"
3 "Primary Objective:Destroy the generator"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:Protect the forward spawn area. Flag becomes permanent Allies if either one of the objectives is completed. If allies have once captures the flag you can take it back but you will still spawn back"
2 "Primary Objective:Prevent Allies from reaching the tunnels"
3 "Primary Objective:Protect the Radio Transmitter"
4 "Primary Objective:Protect the generator"
norwegian batteryft1 - norwegian_batteryft1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Allied objectives
1 "Primary objective:
Construct the commandpost and capture the bar"
2 "Primary objective:
Steal the keycard so we can unlock the battery. You will find it in some kind of headquarter building. But be aware soldier, mg42 sounds has been reported"
3 "Primary objective:
Unlock the battery doors to gain access to the battery. The brave men who can do this will get leave for three weeks"
4 "Primary objective:
Destroy the battery using a dynamite charge. We must destroy it before the axis backup force arrive"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary objective:
Dont let the allies construct a commandpost. Defend the bar and don't let it fall into the hands of the allies"
2 "Primary objective:
Defend the keycard so they can't unlock the battery. The mg42 has plenty of ammunition left."
3 "Primary objective:
Defend the keycard lock of the battery. Don't let the allies unlock them."
4 "Primary objective:
Defend the gun. Don't let the allies destroy it for then we can't defend the shores from their ships. Be aware that they can use the backdoors"3 downloads
flaktower(alpha) - flaktower(alpha).pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
is the Alpha so mights crash ...
uthor : Jason (Conchman) Major
Send comments to: gialsdemshugga@yahoo.com
Please be descriptive.
Looking for comments on:
- Gameplay problems.
- Team balancing issues.
- Overall feel of the map.
- Ideas for better gameplay possibilities.
- Flow.
- ANY error with texturing, clipping etc.
Please be descriptive. And of course, please remember that this is my first map.
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : FlakTower
Filename : flaktower(alpha).pk3
Release date : 2003-12-15
Decription : The Humboldthain Flaktower has sustained severe structural damage from an allied covert strike. While their efforts to destroy all of the flak cannons were unsuccessful, they may attack yet again to destroy the two that remain. The axis must hold them off until reinforcements arrive from the lower levels.
Programs : GTKRadiant 1.3.8, GTKRadiant 1.3.12
: Q3map2 2.5.9, Q3map2 2.5.11
Design and Brushwork Time : About three days a week for about 4 months.
Compile time : > 1 hour 30 minutes
Compile machine : P4 2 Ghz, 512mb RAM
Installation : Place the flaktower(alpha).pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu.
Textures : I modified some existing ET textures, created some shaders for them and included them with the pk3.
-1 Buildable Escape Hatch barrier to keep out those pesky Allies
-2 Forward Spawnpoint locations (one of which will become permanently Allied after the Security Sidewall is Breached)
-1 Dynamite-able wall that the Axis must defend in order to keep the security doors closed (Hint: There are shortcuts that are not marked on the map.)
-1 Security (Panic) Switch that opens/closes two pairs of heavy steel doors
-1 Health Cabinet
-1 Ammo Cabinet
-1 Neutral Command Post that increases charge speed
-2 Huge Flak Cannons Objectives that Axis must defend from the Allies
-3 Axis Team Door
-1 Neutral Team Door
Advise to any would-be mappers who are starting from scratch
So you wanna map? There are a few things to remember that will help you achieve your goal of mapping greatness.
1) Learn from others. I'm sure there are places where one can take classes in map design. However, nothing beats experience and that is what other mappers have.
2) Get ready to read. Map editors have instructions (lots of them). Fellow mappers write tutorials (some good, some not so good) and some of them are very helpful. Not reading the instructions will cost you time in the end. It may even encourage giving up all together.
3) Backup your files often. especially the .map file. It does not matter how careful you are, things will inevitably go wrong whether through fault or no fault of your own. I always keep a backup of the current .map file and a backup of the most recent backup. And I have had to go to previous backups many times.
4) Backup before you do a brush cleanup. Don't try to play the tough guy. You won't EVER see me crying because of not wanting to backup
5) If you really wanna map, play a lot of games too, that helps.
6) Every once in a while stop and ask yourself, "Would I play on this map?"
7) Remember, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."
Special thanks to
Many ppl at SD Forums for your mapping advice, tutorials, and suggestions including but not limited to (sometimes I forget, sorry):
(Not ordered in any particular manner)
*Nemesis: A very thourough vis/hint brush/portal/detail/structural tutorial (No longer available).
*Ifurita: "Map Scripting 4 Newbies" tutorial and "Map In a Box" prefabs.
*sock and djbob: Script mover door tutorial and many SD forum threads
*ydnar: many SD forum threads, Q3map2 goodness.
*Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren: The format for this file
*SD: for making a great game (and for releasing goldrush.map to the public).
*Surface Level Editing Shack: Many good tutorials.
*bubba's arena tutorials: http://planetquake.com/bubba/tutorial.html
*http://quake3.qeradiant.com/tutorials.shtml: pretty much ALL of their tutorials. (as far as i can tell, they are no longer available)
Copyright 2003 Jason (Conchman) Major all rights reserved
I, Jason (Conchman) Major, as the creator of this pk3, assert the following about the usage of this Enemy Territory level:
-This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM (or other media) WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION.
-If you use this level you agree that you are using it at your own risk and will not hold the creator liable for any damages caused to your property.
pantherbase b1 - pantherbase_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
~ Pantherbase_b1 ~
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Multiplayer Map
>>> BETA v 1.0 <<<
Game Story
Summer 1944 ... some days after D-Day.
In a German supply depot of the west front a train is loaded with tanks and ammunition.
These tanks are needed urgently at the 2nd armored division to hold back the American troops
moving forward in the direction of the Avranches.
- Prevent the Allies from destoying the ammo-elevetor-control.
- Protect and escort the tank to the ammo-station.
- Protect and escort the tank to load it on the train. Removing possible obstacles along the route.
- Built the Loading Ramp.
- Switch the departure signal freely.
- Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post.
- Set up a Command Post.
- Destroy the ammo-elevator-control.
- Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the ammo-station.
- Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the train. Building obstacles along the route to stopping the tank.
- Destroy the Loading Ramp.
- Prevent the Axis from switching the departure signal freely.
- Establish a Command Post.
- Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post.
Map Information
Scripting & Sound:
Release Date:
copy the pantherbase.pk3 in your etmain folder
Total Brushes:
Total Entities:
Built Time:
Days, Weeks, ...we haven't looked at the watch
Gtk Radiant 1.3.8-ET, EasyGen, Crimson Editor
Beta Compile Status:
-vis -light -fast -faster -samples2
Beta Compile Time:
ca. 30 min.
Compile Machine:
AMD XP2400, 512 MB Ram
Thanx to
- all members of http://www.level-designer.de/ for the help
- http://www.lexikonderwehrmacht.de/ for the extensive pic-archive as help to the "Tiger" and "Elefant" building.3 downloads
ea base1 se - ea_base1_se.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
EABase 1 StoerFaktoR Edition
Basic Information
Original Author : Calibra8v
Email address : calibra8v@hotmail.de
Homepage : http://www.ea-clan.de
Xfire : calibra8v
Modified : 'StoerFaktoR
Mail : mini@chris-s.de
URL : http://chris-s.de
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : eA´s Forest Base
Filename : ea_base1.pk3
Decription : A Little map based on the Forest Mission in RTCW!
Program : GTK Radiant 1.4.0
Build time : 3 days
Relase Time : 24 Jan 2011
Obj Briefing :The Axis have have received a Box with Secret Documents,
the Allies will try to Steal them out form the Warehouse and Transmit them at the Radarstation!
Version/info : Its the 1 Version,it was a fun project.So i have not invested much time in it.
It is only Compiled as Single.for Better FPS you can compile it as Final,but it tooks long,i have aborted the compilation after 2 days.
The Complete Map file is include.And a Map file without the Landscape.
Feel free to Modify or to use stuff from it.
By quastions you can contact me on Xfire or over the HP.
It would be nice to give a credit to me if you Modify this map.
Special thanks and Credits to:
Activiton,Splash Damage, id Software & all who support the eA clan.
About us:
We are Mapping for fun.We love Enemy Territory and thats the Reason why we give our Map files free to use.
Reported Bugs: Update 25.01.11
No Landmine support.If you would like it with Mines then change the Shader file.
It can happen that when you got the Map MGS_heliport in the same folder the Grass Textures from this map will change in Snow.
Map Update : 08.02.2011
Grass Floor has become landmine support
The bridge is now constructable and destroyable
Axis haves a new mainspawn and a defence at the maingate
anti walljump brushes at the sites to the base4 downloads
unit cacheV2 final - unit_cacheV2_final_fixed.pk3
By papywolf
About This File
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them steal the keycard.**If they can open the main gate and you will lose the forward bunker."
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the keycard and open the main gate.**This will capture the forward bunker and give you access to the antenna generator."
the dust alpha2 - the_dust_alpha2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Desert Outpost
by cYburK
Gametypes: Objective,Stopwatch
Version: Final 1.0
"Secure the Forward Spawn.Steal the 2 Radar Boxes and build the Generator to transmit the Secret Radar Code."
"Defend the Forward Spawn. Destroy the Generator. Defend the 2 Radar Boxes."
"Get into the Game Coward!"
Objectives :
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Main Entrance to Secure the Forward Spawn."
2 "Primary Objective:
Capture the Town Spawn."
3 "Primary Objective:
Construct the Command Post. This will enable two more Spawn Locations."
4 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Bank Wall!"
5 "Primary Objective:
Build the Generator to make transmit the Secret Radar Code."
6 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Town Door."
7 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Axis Team Door."
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Main Entrance!."
2 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Forward Spawn."
3 "Primary Objective:
Construct the Command Post."
4 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Bank Wall!"
5 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Generator to keep the Allies from transmitting the Secret Radar Code."
6 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Town Door."
7 "Primary Objective:
Build the Team Door!."
Desert Outpost - Desert_Outpost.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Desert Outpost
by cYburK
Gametypes: Objective,Stopwatch
Version: Final 1.0
The Allies must infiltrate the Desert Outpost and steal the two Radar Boxes.
The Axis have to defend the Radar Boxes and destroy the Power Generator so
the Allies cant send the Secret Radar Code.
- Destroy the Town Door.
- Construct the Command Post to activate more Spawn Locations.
- Capture the Forward Spawn.
- Destroy the Main Entrance to secure the Forward Spawn.
- Build the Generator so transmitting the Radar Code is possible.
- Destroy the Axis Team Door or Infiltrate with Covert Op.
- Destroy the Bank Wall.
- Steal the Radar Boxes and transmit the Top Secret Radar Code. 2X
- Defend/Build the Town Door.
- Construct the Command Post.
- Defend the Forward Spawn.
- Defend the Main Entrance.
- Destroy the Generator.
- Build the Team Door.
- Defend the Bank Wall.
- Defend the Radar Boxes with the TOP SECRET RADAR CODE 2X7 downloads
mummies lab beta2 - mummies_lab_beta2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
briefing "The SS Paranormal division of the German Army have broken into an old temple in an attempt to resurrect dead mummies. The Allies must escort a stolen Jagdpanther tank to the Temple entrance so the tank can blow the temple open. The Allies must then destroy the Axis' experimental machine, codenamed Genesis. "
panzerdepot b1 - panzerdepot_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Devend the Tank Special Fuel!"
"Steal the Tank Special Fuel"
"The Allies have to steal the Tank Special Fuel"
blitz final - blitz.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Blitz map created by : =BO= Ganjaman. 07-dec-2009
********* Blitz final *************
The Allies captured a small town but the Axis base is resisting heavily.
Axis forces are ready to attack the Allies to re-capture the V1-Launch Keycard.
Allies have to defend the Keycard but can also attack and try to drown the Axis forces by blowing
up the Water Control Pipes behind the Pumphouse.
Thanks to =BO= Stealth' for the scripting assistance.
I have used several prefab brushes in this map.Thanks to :
FireFly for the V1 rocket model + accompanied textures.
Dersaidin for the keycard model .
Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).
Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).
A very nice skybox by Necrom@ncer FR.( from skybox_pack )
And I have made use of some original items from several of the original maps :
from Siwa/Oasis map a broken house/bunker, Thanks to their creator(/s).
from Goldrush map 3 houses which are now the village Thanks to their creator(/s) too.
Special Thanks to ID-software and Splash-Damage for creating Enemy Territory.
This map is only for testing final map will come soon.
contact e-mail : johnny_b27@hotmail.com.
This map was made with GTKRadiant 1.4 & 1.5 on win XP
compile pc info : AMD Phenom X4 Q9750 ( 2.4 GHz ) 4 GB ddr2 and a geforce GTX 260 with 896 MB.
Destruction final - Destruction_final.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title : Destruction_final
Filename : destruction_final.pk3
Date : 2009.03.29
Author : Russell Story (Geehaad)
Contact : angel_son_7d@yahoo.com
Map File : destruction_final.bsp
Script File : destruction_final.script
Release : 2009.03.02
Gametype : Objective, SW, Campaign
Maximum Players : 64
Recommended Players : 12-18
q3map2 build cmds:
[q3map2] (simulate old style -light -extra) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -super 2"[MapFile]"
"Allies have cornered the Axis into a heavily bombed out warehouse complex. The Axis are making their last stand, and trying to call reinforcements to stop the raid on their last stronghold.
**Allies must destroy their Communications before they are able to radio for help.
// Axis Objective Descriptions
c 1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Comm Station.**This will cause a loss of communication to reinforcements."
2 "Secondary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Gate.**This will give them access to the warehouse."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Weakend Wall.**This will give them access to the roof."
4 "Secondary Objective:**destroy the side door.**This will give them quick access to the forward warehouse."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Comm Station.**This will keep Axis reinforcements from knowing about the raid on the warehouses."
2 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Gate.**This will give access to the warehouse."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the side door.**This will give quick access to the forward warehouse."
How to play it:
- Unzip the destruction.zip file to your \etmain folder,
- Run ET,
- Find a server playing destruction. or...
- Select Host Game, set it to Objective mode and look for snipertowers_fp1 in the map list,
- Enjoy the map.
Known Bugs:
- None .
To Do:
- Any nessecary unfound bug fixes.
- Textures: ID software / Geehaad
- Layout First Draft: Russell Story (Geehaad)
Thanks to:
2Bit Enemy Territory for prefabs and tutorials on mapping.
"SLayer" for doing the map waypoints.
=BeL=Clan for playtesting on their server. http://www.belclan.info
This level is (c) 2009 Russell Story.
This map may be electronically distributed only at NO charge to the recipient.
It may NOT be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the map.
You may NOT include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may NOT mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
You may NOT Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.4 downloads
Pack Praetoria_m1 m2 m3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
About This File
Download pk3 name: praetoria_m1.pk3
Map name: praetoria_m1.bsp
Author(s): Diego
Mission One: "Allied Paratroopers are enroute to capture a nazi airfield in northern Italy.
An advance allied ground force must destroy the Radar Control Center inside a heavily defended bunker
to allow their airborne forces to slip through the Axis Anti-Air defenses undetected."
Praetoria-Mission One: Bunker Hill
by Diego (aka Subsurface Scattering) Contact: dt3d@hotmail.com
------------------------------------------------------------- Installation:
This map will not conflict with version 1.0 (praetoria_one.bsp). However, it is recommended
that you remove the old PK3 file from your etmain directory as that map is now obsolete.
Extract the PK3 file from the .ZIP file using WINZIP, or WINRAR into your Etmain folder.
Map Objectives:
Primary Objectives:
1 "Use your Churchill Tank to Breach the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
2 "Destroy the Power Generator to release the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast doors."
Secondary Objectives
1 "Destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
2 "Capture the City Garrison to use as a forward spawnpoint."
3 "Breach the Storage Room Entrance."
4 "Breach the South Bunker Wall."
7 "Establish a Command Post inside the Old Church."
8 "Stop the Axis from Building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
Primarmy Objectives:
1 "Stop the Churchill Tank from Breaching the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
2 "Protect the Generator that powers the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast Doors."
Secondary Objectives:
3 "Don't let the allies destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
4 "Defend the City Garrison."
5 "Defend the Storage Room Entrance."
6 "Don't let the allies breach the South Bunker Wall."
7 "Prevent the Allies from constructing the Command Post in the Church."
8 "Set up a Command Post inside the Forward Bunker."
Description: praetoria_m2
Download pk3 name: praetoria_m2.pk3
Map name: praetoria_m2.bsp
Author(s): Diego
Version 1.1
Mission Two: "**The Allied Armor Forces are running low on fuel. They must use the tank
to breach the Praetoria Depot Defenses, replenish their supplies, and escape to the tunnel
that leads to the airfield"
1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaching the Depot Defenses."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies reinforce the Tank at the Repair Depot."
3 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Fuel."
4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from escaping to the Tunnel that leads to the Airfield."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Side Entrance."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Side Wall."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Gun Controls"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
1 "Primary Objective:**Use the Tank to breach the Depot Gates."
2 "Primary Objective:**Reinforce the Tank at the Tank Repair Depot."
3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Fuel for the Tank.."
4 "Primary Objective:**Escape to the Tunnel that leads to the Airfield."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Entrance."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Wall."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Gun Controls"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Description: praetoria_m3
Mission Time: 25 Minutes
Spawn Times: Axis 20 Seconds
Allies 20 Seconds
Mission Three: "The Allies must steal a prototype jet engine from the Praetoria Research Facility.
The Axis must protect their military secrets and repel the invaders at all costs."
Map Objectives:
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies steal the Command Card from the Drunk Officer."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies Load the Engine onto the Tug at the North Crane."
3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from Returning the Tug to the Depot Yard."
4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaching the First Truck Barrier."
5 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaching the Second Truck Barrier."
6 "Secondary Objective:**CHECK YOUR FIRE! Don't kill your own commander!"
7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the East Courtyard."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Command Card from the Drunk Officer and take it to the Track Switch Console."
2 "Primary Objective:**Get the tug to the North Crane to Steal the Supersonic Engine."
3 "Primary Objective:**Return the Tug to the Depot Yard to Load the Engine onto the Truck."
4 "Primary Objective:**Escort Truck past the First Truck Barrier."
5 "Primary Objective:**Escort Truck past the Second Truck Barrier."
6 "Secondary Objective:**CHECK YOUR FIRE! Don't make a martyr out of a drunk officer!"
7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the East Courtyard."
1 download
fox2fixed - fox2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
no texture problem with the new fox2fixed version
Author : Fox2
Email address : Toiletmanquestions@hotmail.com
Made in Belgium
Map Information
"Allies forces have to steal a box that contains documents (Docbox). These documents have information about the locations of German Artillery Fire in France. The docbox is located in a library in the little French town called Fox. Now go to war soldier!
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Fox2
Filename : Fox2.pk3
Release date : 2006
Decription : Allies forces have to steal a docbox!
Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0
uild time : /
Compile time : /
Installation : Place the Fox2.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map Fox2
#. This is a "FUN" map for the holidays. The map is intended to be fun playing but also at the same time being competive. So that it can be used as a war map between clans.
Special thanks and Credits to:
Everybody I forgot!
Copyright 2006 Toiletman
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
ds bunkers - ds_bunkers.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
"Your mission is to prevent the Axis team from destroying the First and Second Allied Supply Stashes. These supplies are needed to ensure victory for the Allies."
"Your mission is to prevent the Allied team from destroying the First and Second Axis Secret Weapons. These weapons were stationed here and are new from the X-Lab. These will ensure victory and world domination for the Axis."
"The Axis and Allies got together and planned out this arena for training their soldiers at. You are one of those soldiers."
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Axis from destroying the First Supply Stash."
2 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Axis from destroying the Second Supply Stash."
3 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the First Axis Secret Weapon."
4 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Second Axis Secret Weapon."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the Forward Spawn flag."
6 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the Axis Main Hatch to gain another route into the Axis base."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the Allied Main Hatch."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Construct a Command Post."
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the First Allied Supply Stash."
2 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Second Allied Supply Stash."
3 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from destroying the First Axis Secret Weapon."
4 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from destroying the Second Axis Secret Weapon."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the Forward Spawn flag."
6 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the Axis Main Hatch."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the Allied Main Hatch to gain another route into the Allied base."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Construct a Command Post."2 downloads
tm bumpers b1 - tm_bumpers_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Objective - just frag fun - great for double jump panza. And simple objective in middle to finish round if anybody wants.
Map by:
Varsovie@o2.pl / TOMPL , You can catch me on OSK, W33Dsmok3rs /W7 , mafiacrime , BBA and forum splashdamage
ambition3 - ambition3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Ambition 3
January 2014
Number of players:
6 vs. 6 or higher (up to 32 vs. 32).
Editing program:
GtkRadiant 1.4.0
Place the pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the game menu (Host), or bring down the console and use the command /map ambition3 (not ambition3.pk3) to run the map.
Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden
Thanks to:
Server admins who support and host custom maps, and to the Splash Damage forum (http://www.splashdamage.com).
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Documents!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Take the Documents to the Axis Truck!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post!*You will get Forward Spawn, if you build the Command Post! The Command Post controls forward spawn in this map."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Repair the Axis Pump to open new access routes!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the secret Documents!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Do not let the Axis take the Documents to their Truck!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post!*If you build the Command Post, your team will have forward spawn! The Command Post controls forward spawn in this map."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Do not let the Axis build a Command Post!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from repairing their Pump!"
villa france beta1 - villa_france_beta1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Large map
Author : Hitman007
Email address : hitman007.maps@gmail.com
Webpage : http://www.hitman007.tk ( site closed )
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Villa_france
Filename : Villa_france_beta1.pk3
Campname : villa_france_beta1
Max Players : 60
Release date : 8/12/2004
Decription : The allies need secret documents OSA
Final Build time: 3 weeks.
Compile time : 1:30 hrs/min
Compile machine : AMD AtholnXP 2200 1.8, 512MB
Installation : Place the villa_france_beta1.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map villa_france_beta1.
Textures : 42 new textures for the moment
Sounds : 1 new sounds.
Models : 0 new model.
* Special thanks:
Drakir: www.drakir.tk For all help in forums and Sourcemaps
MarkoForums: All tanks-- http://swat-clan.com/marko/forums/index.php (site closed)
Elmapper ET: www.mapperet.tk //Mapping in spanish
Credits, Erik-FTN: Tanks For script help and Big12.map//-- http://user.tninet.se/~fzo823r
Goldrush:-- For source map ^^
PGRCLAN: Tanks Clan
MAP BY HITMAN007 www.hitman007.tk -
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Artyllery Gun1"
2 "Primary Objective:**Defend The artyllery Gun2."
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend wall."
4 "Primary Objective:**Build Command Post aT bunker house."
5 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Documents."
6 "Primary Objective:**Dont let them escape with the Secret OSA documents."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Artyllery Gun2."
2 "Primary Objective:**Build Command Post aT bunker house."
3 "Primary Objective:**"
4 "Primary Objective:**Capture documents in the bunker."
5 "Primary Objective:**Secure Documents in bunker house"
6 "Primary Objective:**"4 downloads
primesquadron - primesquadron.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Author : KunA?!
Email adress : mkunowski91@gmail.com
Xfire : kunaopw91
Site adress : prime-squadron.com
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Prime Squadron
Filename : primesquadron.pk3
Version : Final
Description : Map designed for Prime Squadron community servers. Available for public play.
Release date : 29.05.2014
Map making time : 4 months
final compiling time : 3613 secounds
Map built in : Gtk Radiant 1.5.0
If you found any bug just contact me via e-mail, xfire or though community site.
With pleasure i will wait for some suggestions.
Thanks to
Chimy aka Chimtea for basic tips years ago.
EB for func_ tutorials.
haradirki for mirror.
Warren-the-ape for PS sign.
Prime Squadron's Community for support.
You are not allowed to re-edit, re-make or just use any of my brushwork for your own without my knowledge.4 downloads
unit cacheV2 final fixed - unit_cacheV2_final_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them steal the keycard.**If they can open the main gate and you will lose the forward bunker."
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the keycard and open the main gate.**This will capture the forward bunker and give you access to the antenna generator."
himmelsdorf b6 fix - himmelsdorf_b6_fix.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
ME ETc|Gouki. (goki) 31-7-2020
I would very much like to thank the following people :
Tech related
Kemon Trouble shooting / Scripting teacher / lots of other stuff i couldnt do i now can Massive Thanks
Aesop Trouble shooting / textures for blending / Script partially . massive Thanks
thank you for help on textures and tank ofc . also thank you for getting me started on gtk 2008 somewhere till now Many many thanks bro
Uje|niek / Terrain blending wich is found on http://www.simonoc.com/
much appriacated this website alot of information to be gathered from here has been a massive help So many thanks
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1"Primary Objective:**Steal the Tank from the Axis , but the tank has ran out of Fuel , Steal it !!"
2"Primary Objective:**Protect the Tank and escort it to the Maingate."
3"Primary Objective:**Steal two crates of Gold from the Storage Depository , secure them onto the truck."
4"Primary Objective:**Escape with the crates of Gold using the Truck in the Storage depository."
5"Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post inside the Garden."
6"Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Axis Villa."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
2 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Tank , Prevent the Allies from using the Tank to blow open the Main Gate."
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from Stealing the gold from the storage depository."
4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from Escaping with the gold bars we must at all Costs."
5 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from setting up their command post."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the Axis Villa."
started 2018 okt.
first playable version : 15-8-2020
updates will come as soon as possible
Himmelsdorf_b6 version : 14-3-2021
ME ETc|Gouki. (goki) 31-7-2020
I would very much like to thank the following people :
)=================================Tech related=======================================================================(
Kemon Trouble shooting / Scripting teacher / lots of other stuff i couldnt do i now can Massive Thanks
Aesop Trouble shooting / textures for blending / Script partially . massive Thanks
thank you for help on textures and tank ofc . also thank you for getting me started on gtk 2008 somewhere till now Many many thanks bro
Uje|niek / Terrain blending wich is found on http://www.simonoc.com/
much appriacated this website alot of information to be gathered from here has been a massive help So many thanks
ETc|clan for testing
Fallen hero : ETc|bada^boom we remember u Eric may u rest in peace friend.
and possibly many more people for your feedback if i havent named u ,
too bad have fun playing
Thanks Wutangh for helping out on the tag