About This File
~ Pantherbase_b1 ~
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Multiplayer Map
>>> BETA v 1.0 <<<
Game Story
Summer 1944 ... some days after D-Day.
In a German supply depot of the west front a train is loaded with tanks and ammunition.
These tanks are needed urgently at the 2nd armored division to hold back the American troops
moving forward in the direction of the Avranches.
- Protect and escort the tank to the ammo-station.
- Protect and escort the tank to load it on the train. Removing possible obstacles along the route.
- Built the Loading Ramp.
- Switch the departure signal freely.
- Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post.
- Set up a Command Post.
- Destroy the ammo-elevator-control.
- Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the ammo-station.
- Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the train. Building obstacles along the route to stopping the tank.
- Destroy the Loading Ramp.
- Prevent the Axis from switching the departure signal freely.
- Establish a Command Post.
- Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post.
Map Information
Scripting & Sound:
Release Date:
copy the pantherbase.pk3 in your etmain folder
Total Brushes:
Total Entities:
Built Time:
Days, Weeks, ...we haven't looked at the watch
Gtk Radiant 1.3.8-ET, EasyGen, Crimson Editor
Beta Compile Status:
-vis -light -fast -faster -samples2
Beta Compile Time:
ca. 30 min.
Compile Machine:
AMD XP2400, 512 MB Ram
Thanx to
- all members of http://www.level-designer.de/ for the help
- http://www.lexikonderwehrmacht.de/ for the extensive pic-archive as help to the "Tiger" and "Elefant" building.
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Multiplayer Map
>>> BETA v 1.0 <<<
Game Story
Summer 1944 ... some days after D-Day.
In a German supply depot of the west front a train is loaded with tanks and ammunition.
These tanks are needed urgently at the 2nd armored division to hold back the American troops
moving forward in the direction of the Avranches.
- Prevent the Allies from destoying the ammo-elevetor-control.- Protect and escort the tank to the ammo-station.
- Protect and escort the tank to load it on the train. Removing possible obstacles along the route.
- Built the Loading Ramp.
- Switch the departure signal freely.
- Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post.
- Set up a Command Post.
- Destroy the ammo-elevator-control.
- Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the ammo-station.
- Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the train. Building obstacles along the route to stopping the tank.
- Destroy the Loading Ramp.
- Prevent the Axis from switching the departure signal freely.
- Establish a Command Post.
- Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post.
Map Information
Scripting & Sound:
Release Date:
copy the pantherbase.pk3 in your etmain folder
Total Brushes:
Total Entities:
Built Time:
Days, Weeks, ...we haven't looked at the watch

Gtk Radiant 1.3.8-ET, EasyGen, Crimson Editor
Beta Compile Status:
-vis -light -fast -faster -samples2
Beta Compile Time:
ca. 30 min.
Compile Machine:
AMD XP2400, 512 MB Ram
Thanx to
- all members of http://www.level-designer.de/ for the help
- http://www.lexikonderwehrmacht.de/ for the extensive pic-archive as help to the "Tiger" and "Elefant" building.