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5 Screenshots

About This File

(the readme file)

-release date: 18 may 2004


Game features

- After the Lorraine37L (the Tank) has reached the depotyard it can no longer be damaged nor repaired.
This was done to avoid xp-whoring by allied engineers.
- After the Lorraine37L (the Tank) has reached the depotyard the V1Rocket will be transported onto a electric train
with a crane. The train will take the v1rocket to the launchramp and does NOT have to be escorted
nor can it be damaged/repaired
- Allies can steal the fuelcan (The Objective) at any given time in the game,
But they can only secure it at the v1rocket after it has reached the launchramp.
(an icon will appear at the command map)

title: V1Rocket_b2
file: V1rocket_b21.pk3
author: FireFly
email address:


Play Information

gametype: wolfmp, wolfsw
new sounds: yes
new graphics: yes
new music: no
new models: yes
prefabs: no


base: scratch
editor: GTK Radiant 1.3.13
other programs: easygen, 3Dmax5, Photoshop
build time: approx. 9 months.
compile time: 83 mins.
Distribution / Permissions

This is the first trial of this map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a
completed map by anyone else than the author.

Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
The possibility of using items from this map as prefabs is possible, but you must obtain the author's written permission first.

This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.

A thank you

Thanks goes to M.Schaffer and Erwin A. for helping me testing the private beta1....


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