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About This File


"Objective:**Defend the 3 sets of demolitions explosives planted on the Remagen Bridge and your Field HQ"
"Objective:**In sequence, defuse the demolitions explosives planted on the North, Center, and south Spans. Once explosives have been defused, blow up the Axis Field HQ"
"March 7, 1945. Allied forces racing towards Germany desperately need to capture key bridges spanning Germany's last natural defensive barrier, the Rhine River"




Allied objectives

1 "Primary Objective:
Defuse the explosives planted on the North Span
Defusing explosives will make North Spawn Spawn Flag permanent-allies"
2 "Primary Objective:
Defuse the explosives planted on the Center Span
Defusing explosives will make Center Span Spawn Flag permanent-allies"
3 "Primary Objective:
Defuse the explosives planted on the South Span
Defusing explosives will make South Span Spawn flag permanent-allies"
4 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Axis Field HQ on the South Bank"
5 "Secondary Objective:
Breach the South Door entry point to the bridge"
6 "Secondary Objective:
Breach the North Door entry point to the bridge"
7 "Secondary Objective:
Repair the North Enterhaken"
8 "Secondary Objective:
Repair the South Enterhaken"


Axis objectives

1 "Primary Objective:
Defend the explosives planted on the North Span
If the Allies defuse the explosives, they will permanently capture the North Span Spawn Flag"
2 "Primary Objective:
Defend the explosives planted on the Center Span
If the Allies defuse the explosives, they will permanently capture the Center Span Spawn Flag"
3 "Primary Objective:
Defend the explosives planted on the South Span
If the Allies defuse the explosives, they will permanently capture the South Span Spawn Flag"
4 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Axis Field HQ on the South Bank"
5 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the South Door entry point to the bridge"
6 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the North Door entry point to the bridge"
7 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent Allies from repairing the North Enterhaken"
8 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent Allies from repairing the South Enterhaken"

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