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2 Screenshots

About This File

-=-=-=-=-Main info-=-=-=-=-

Mapname: Steal_v1
Version: 1.0.0
Gametype: CTF (Capture the flag)
Mapmaker: 1869*_Flame    a.k.a Dante
Website: www.1869clan.tk


-install on local machine:

1. Download the Steal_v1.pk3 file
2. Put the pk3 file into your "etmain" folder  (usually can be found at: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\")
3. start the game
4. open console with the ~ key (left from the 1 and up the TAB key)
5. type /g_gametype 2  (it will tell you it will be set on restart, DONT restart)
6. type /map steal_v1
7. play!

==> NOTE: no bot support added.

-install on a server:
1. Download the Steal_v1.pk3 file
2. Put the pk3 file into the "etmain" folder
3. if needed, add to your fastdownload server
4. add map "steal_v1" to your maprotation.cfg (or other depending on mod)
6. (re)start server
7. play and have fun!




Allied main objective:

Use the teleporters to get to the axis base, here you must try to steal all 5 Gold crates
solen gold crates have to be deliverd to 1 of the pillars in allied base.

Allied secondary objectives:

- Construct brige nr 1
- Construct brige nr 2
- Construct the command post


Axis main objective:

Use the teleporters to get to the aliied base, here you must try to steal all 5 Gold crates
solen gold crates have to be deliverd to 1 of the pillars in axis base.

Axis secondary objectives:

- Construct brige nr 1
- Construct brige nr 2
- Construct the command post

-=-=-=Special Thanks!=-=-=-

1. Special thanks to HEX|Fate for awnsering most of my questions

2. Special thanks to Marco (from MLB-maps) for helping me solving my questions

3. Special thanks to 1869*_Spirit for helping testing and finding bugs


- few new textures included
- 16 textures included
- added lava texture

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